Book Launch: Wingspan by Eithne Cavanagh
November 20, 2024
6.30pm – 8.30pm.
Irish Writers Centre
Please RSVP: eithnemaeve9@gmail.com
Please RSVP: eithnemaeve9@gmail.com
Access our Building
Tá Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann i 19 Cearnóg Pharnell, Baile Átha Cliath 1. Is teach Seoirseach é agus, ar an drochuair, níl ardaitheoir ann. Tá cúig chéim isteach ón tsráid. Bíonn bunús na n-imeachtaí i Seomra Kiely ar an chéad úrlár agus is gá tríocha céim a dhreapadh chuige sin.
The Irish Writers Centre is currently housed in 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. This is a Georgian building which unfortunately does not have a lift. There are 5 steps into the entrance level. The majority of the event’s activities will take place in the Kiely room which is on the first floor and requires climbing 30 steps in total. Please do inform us of any accessibility requirements you might have before the night so we can make any necessary arrangements.
If you have any questions about the event, please email info@irishwriterscentre.ie.