Irish Writers Centre 2022-2026 Strategy
A new vision for the future of writers and writing in Ireland
On 28 April 2022, the Irish Writers Centre launched an ambitious new five-year strategy that marks a new and exciting phase of development for the organisation.
For over 30 years, the Irish Writers Centre has established a unique position in the Irish literary landscape, providing a diverse range of opportunities for writers to develop their skill, hone their craft, and connect with peers. The new 2022-2026 Strategy coincides with the Centre’s fourth decade as the home for writers in Ireland and maps out a vision and ambition to provide ongoing opportunities for writers to develop themselves and join an engaged and diverse community of like-minded people with whom they can share their skills, passion and purpose.

One of the key objectives of the strategy is to ensure that anyone who writes or who wishes to do so, whatever their age or stage, background or lived experience, knows and enjoys the support of the Irish Writers Centre. The organisation also plans to extend its work with the professional writing community, deepening their engagement with them as they work to advance their creative and career potential.

The 2022-2026 Strategy was launched in the Irish Writers Centre building. Speaking at the event were; Novel Fair 2020 winner, Evolution Programme recipient and author of The Quiet Whispers Never Stop Olivia Fitzsimons; Brazilian poet, member of the New Irish Communities writing group and UpLift awardee Rafael Mendes; IWC Ambassador Éilís Ní Dhuibhne; IWC Board Member and writer Chandrika Narayanan. They were joined by IWC Chair Breda Brown and Director Valerie Bistany. Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin launched the event with a message of support.
The Irish Writers Centre 2022-2026 Strategy is framed by the following Purpose, Vision, and Mission statements:
The Irish Writers Centre exists to encourage and elevate writers to achieve their dreams and ambitions as part of a vital, bonded community.
Our vision for the future is inspired by the tradition of seanchaí or storyteller, the highly valued custodian of the stories, knowledge and culture that defined and united a community.
We want to live in a world where writers prosper, esteemed for the words and ideas that illuminate our lives and further our understanding.
We support a vibrant and diverse community of writers of all types and talents to develop their craft, capacity and confidence to thrive as a writer in the world.
The above statements are supported by five overarching goals in the 2022 – 2026 Strategy:
1Support professional writers to advance their craft and career with confidence and resilience.
2Enhance opportunities for people across all communities to explore and participate in creative writing.
3Cultivate an engaged community of writers and the strategic alliances that support our ambitions.
4Secure the places and spaces that best enable our work across the island of Ireland.
5Ensure our future as an organisation with the knowledge, imagination and resources to thrive sustainably.