BOOK LAUNCH: Pretend Cartoon Strength by Dr. Alicia Byrne Keane
January 17, 2024
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Irish Writers Centre
Free entry
Pretend Cartoon Strength
by Dr. Alicia Byrne Keane
(Broken Sleep Books)
Wed 17 January 2024, 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
The Irish launch of Dr. Alicia Byrne Keane’s debut full poetry collection, Pretend Cartoon Strength (Broken Sleep Books), will be taking place in the Irish Writers Centre at 6:30pm-8:30pm, on the 17 of January.
The launch will be a short reading from the work, followed by a reception. Alicia is an Irish Writers Centre member, with poetry published in The Moth, Banshee, The Stinging Fly, and Dedalus Press’s anthology, Romance Options: Love Poems for Today.
Building Access
The Irish Writers Centre is currently housed in 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. This is a Georgian building which unfortunately does not have a lift. There are 5 steps into the entrance level. The majority of the event’s activities will take place in the Kiely room which is on the first floor and requires climbing 30 steps in total. There are public toilets available and these are located on the ground floor and basement floor of the building. For further information on access to our building, please email: info@irishwriterscentre.ie.