Greenbean Novel Fair 2016
January 31, 2016
Greenbean Novel Fair 2016 update:
– Congratulations to all those who entered the Greenbean Novel Fair.
– All Greenbean Novel Fair submissions for 2016 have been processed and, by now, all applicants have received confirmation via email.
– We have double-checked that all confirmation emails were sent. If you think that you have not yet received such confirmation, please ensure that the email has not gone to your spam. You might also check secondary or work accounts in case you sent it from one of these instead. Confirmation will have come from this address: novelfair@writerscentre.ie
– Manuscripts are with the judges who are currently reading to whittle down the numbers. To prep for the next exciting stages, you should be working on the remaining chapters of your novel (minimum of 50,000 words in total) ahead of the Fair on Saturday 20 February 2016.
– The 12 shortlisted finalists will be contacted in the last week of January 2016. Please do not contact the Centre to check whether you are a finalist. We will contact you!*
*Just because you haven’t heard from us in the last week of January doesn’t mean that all hopes are dashed. It can take time to determine whether applicants are eligible (sometimes book deals and agents have been signed between the closing application date and January, other times applicants don’t have a full novel ready for submission…) so, we need to work our way through the list to ensure that we have 12 eligible finalists. Thank you in advance for your patience and we will be in touch as soon as we can!
Described by The Irish Times as a ‘Dragon’s Den for writers’, the Greenbean Novel Fair is an Irish Writers Centre initiative which aims to introduce up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents, givng novelists the opportunity to bypass the slush pile, pitch their ideas and place their synopsis and sample chapters directly into the hands of publishers and agents.
The submission period for Novel Fair 2016 is now closed. Submissions for the 2017 Fair will be open in April 2016.
Take a look at the 2015 Novel Fair to get a feel for some of the excitement and buzz surrounding this annual event: