Deadline: 25 July, 2024

Anti-Heroin Chic

​Anti-Heroin Chic, based in the United States, is a collective online journal of poetry, photography, art work, essays, interviews and more. ‘Anti-Heroin Chic’ meaning that what is beautiful is what is broken, that our imperfections, our exiles, our exclusions, are what define our humanity most, not the polished surface or the Instagram culture which encourages us to dissociate from who and how we truly are. They are looking for poetry, fiction, essay and visual art. They have three submission periods per year.

More Information here:
Deadline; 28 July, 2024

Fly on the Wall Press

Fly on the Wall Press specialises in political fiction, poetry and cross-genre anthologies on pressing issues, from exceptional international authors.  They are open for submissions for novels, novellas, short story collections and poetry collections. They are seeking manuscripts with a strong narrative voice that explore human nature and the pressing issues of our time. They are drawn to writing with a distinct, bold style and writers who are unafraid to make a statement or leave a mark.

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 July, 2024

Anthology Writing Competitions

Anthology is a modern, inspirational and beautifully designed magazine. They currently have six writing competitions, including two new ones this year – Nature Writing and Personal Memoir. Please note that each competition has a different deadline, the first being their Short Story competition at the end of July. See website for details of their Poetry, Flash Fiction, Travel Writing, Nature Writing and Personal Memoir competitions. Entry fee from £15 to £18 and prizes vary from £500 to £1000, depending on the competition.

More Information here:
31 July, 2024

The Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition

The Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition is an annual short story competition open to writers from around the world. It is dedicated to one of Ireland’s most accomplished story writers and theorists and sponsored by the Munster Literature Centre. The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast short stories in the English language of 3,000 words or fewer. The story can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. Entrants may submit more than one entry. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Entry fee: €19 per story 1st Prize: €2,000, featured reading at the Cork International Short Story Festival (with four-night hotel stay and full board) & publication in Southward

2nd Prize: €500 & publication in Southward

Runners-up: €250 & publication in Southword

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 July 2024

The Marrow

The Marrow is an online literary journal published three times a year featuring the finest new international poetry from emerging and established poets. It was founded by Audrey Molloy, Daragh Byrne, and Natalie Bühler in 2024. We welcome poetry submissions written in, or translated into, English, from Australian and international poets, whether established, emerging or somewhere in between. We’re looking for accessible writing with close attention to craft and language. We appreciate innovation, whether a twist on the traditional or something more radical. We welcome diversity of style, form and subject.

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 July, 2024

Witcraft Annual Humour Competition

The Witcraft Annual Humour Competition is a competition dedicated to skillful writing that is brief, humorous and engaging. The emphasis is on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. Whether your work is designed to raise a smile or a belly laugh, we want pieces that are a refuge from the relentless barrage of negativity, angst, war and climate catastrophe that dominates the web.

Three prizes will be awarded

First US$250,

Second US$100,

Third US$50.


More Information here:
Deadline: 31 July 2024

The Paris Review

The Paris Review accepts unsolicited submissions of prose in February, June, and October and unsolicited submissions of poetry in January, April, July, and October via Submittable, until our capacity is reached.

More Information here:
31 July, 2024

Ragaire Literary Magazine

Ragaire Literary Magazine is accepting poetry, short stories and creative non-fiction for inclusion in Issue 2 (or until our maximum number of submissions for consideration has been met.)

Poetry submissions: Up to three poems of no more than 40 lines each.

Short Story submissions: One piece of at least 1000 and no more than 2,000 words in length.

Creative Non-fiction: For Issue 2 we are delighted to announce we are also accepting submissions of creative non-fiction. One piece of at least 1000 and no more than 2,000 words in length.


More Information here:
Deadline: 31 July, 2024

The Pig’s Back Literary Journal

The Pig’s Back seeks submissions of previously unpublished fiction and non-fiction. We accept work from anywhere in the world but currently can only accept English language pieces. We do not accept poetry. Word count should be between 2000 and 5000 words.

All contributors will receive a flat fee of ‎‎€300. They will also receive two copies of the issue in which their work features.

More Information here:
Deadline; 1st August, 2024

The Stinging Fly 2024 – 2025 Workshops

Our 6-month workshops allow writers to focus on developing their craft over an expanded period of time. We are offering three 6-month fiction workshops this year.

  • Online Workshop with Danielle McLaughlin (all workshops held online via Zoom)
  • Hybrid Workshop with Mary Morrissy, Jan Carson and Colin Barrett (mix of online and in-person workshops)
  • Advanced Fiction Workshop with Sean O’Reilly (in-person and online)

Applications for all three workshops will be accepted from July 10th until 5pm (Irish time) on Thursday August 1st 2024. See website for full details.

More Information here:
Deadline 1 August, 2024

The Patrick Kavanagh Award

The Patrick Kavanagh Award is for emerging poets currently living in Ireland or with Irish heritage. The adjudicator, Victoria Kennefick is author of acclaimed collections ‘Eat Or We Both Starve‘ (2021) and ‘Egg/Shell’ published earlier this year.  The winning entry will be announced on the opening night of this years Kavanagh Weekend, Friday 27th September.  The winner receives €2,000 in recognition of their achievement.

More Information here:
Deadline: 1 August, 2024

Impossible Archetype

Impossible Archetype is an international online journal of LGBTQ+ poetry edited by Mark Ward. We’re looking for poetry that is striking, beautiful and musical. We are a journal that is not afraid of form – send us your villanelles, sonnets, and sestinas – neither are we afraid of unusual formatting or experimental work. We also like free verse. Basically we like all poetry BUT what is crucial to all submitted work is that it grabs us, that it has a depth of craft, musicality and passion. Send us impassioned pleas, captured moments, and distilled emotions. All contributors must identify on the LGBTQ spectrum.

More Information here:
Deadline: 4th August 2024

The Storms: Issue 4

The Storms is a print journal of poetry, prose and visual art. This issue’s theme is Dublin Days; from city to shore and across the sea.

More Information here:
Deadline: 9 August, 2024

IMRAM, Irish Language Literature Festival Issues Open Call to Artists

Tá gairm oscailte d’ealaíontóirí agus do léiritheoirí eisithe ag IMRAM, féile litríochta Gaeilge, chun moltaí a chur isteach a bhainfeadh le tionscadail nua litríochta a d’fhéadfadh a bheith mar chuid de chlár na féile sa bhliain 2025. Ba chóir go mbeadh na tionscadail fréamhaithe i litríocht na Gaeilge agus soláthróidh IMRAM buiséad sa réimse €500 go €5,000 do na hiarratais sin a n-éiríonn leo. Más spéis leat an obair seo, iarrtar ort cur síos a dhéanamh ar an tionscadal, eolas a chur ar fáil faoi na scríbhneoirí/ ealaíontóirí a bheadh páirteach ann (1,000 focal ar a mhéid) chomh maith le meastachán garbh  ar bhuiséad.

IMRAM, the Irish language literature festival has issued an open call  inviting artists and curators to submit proposals for new literature projects which could be part of their festival programme in 2025.  The projects should be rooted in Irish language literature and IMRAM  will provide a budget of between €500 and €5,000. Those interested are asked to submit a description of the project, information regarding the writers/artists who will be involved (maximum of 1,000 words) and an estimated budget.

More Information here:
Deadline: 14 August, 2024

The Waterford Poetry Prize

The Waterford Poetry Prize is open to all writers currently living on the island of Ireland. This prize has emerged from the influence of the late Waterford writer Seán Dunne whose poetry continues to inspire. The winners of the Waterford Poetry Prize 2024 will be announced at the closing event of the Waterford Writers Weekend on Sunday 27th October 2024. The judge is writer and poet Colm Keegan. First prize is €400 plus attendance at a designated writing course under the auspices of the Molly Keane Writers Retreat, Ardmore in 2025.

More Information here:
Deadline: 14 August 2024

The Four Faced Liar

The Four Faced Liar is a Cork-inspired and based, Irish-flavoured, internationally-facing journal publishing an eclectic mix of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, work in translation and visual art. This journal pays  €200 for short stories or creative nonfiction pieces, €100 per poem, €100 for flash fiction, and €100 per visual art piece published. Each contributor also receives a free copy of the magazine.


More Information here:
Deadline; 15 August, 2024

Call for Applications – Afghanistan Cultural Fund

In response to the significant challenges faced by the Afghan cultural scene since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, the Afghanistan Cultural Fund (ACF) is being established.

The ACF invites Afghan artists and cultural practitioners to submit grant applications. The current call for proposals has begun, focusing on the two main themes of music and storytelling. This aims to celebrate the richness of the Afghan music landscape and unique narrative styles, from traditional songs to contemporary compositions, from poetry to photographic essays reflecting personal experiences in exile.

The total budget for the two calls is 250,000 Euros, with a maximum grant amount of 10,000 Euros. However, ACF welcomes smaller projects with smaller budgets, ensuring a diverse range of initiatives can be supported. This structured and transparent process ensures that all applications are fairly considered and the most promising projects are supported.

More Information here:
Deadline; 30 August, 2024

The Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship

The Trustees of the Estate of Katherine Kavanagh intend to offer the Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship, normally of up to €8,000, again in 2024.  The Fellowship is specifically for Irish poets in their middle years.  Poets in order to be eligible must have published a substantial body of work, and show that they are in particular need of assistance. Poets who think they may be entitled to apply are strongly advised to request further information on the conditions of application for the Fellowship, by writing to the Trustees at 7 Derrygreenagh Park, Rochfortbridge, Co Westmeath N91 X8W6, or by email to

Applicants are advised to retain a certificate of posting for materials submitted, and to email the Trust confirming that their application is in the post. There is no application form, but applicants will be asked to supply documentary evidence of age, financial need and Irish citizenship. They will also be asked to supply copies of publications. The Trustees will keep all personal information which is submitted confidential. The Fellowship will be awarded in November, 2024.


More Information here:
Deadline: 31 August, 2024


A new Journal! Starved aims to create a space for women to scream into; a home for hysterics; a place where the innards of woman can be splayed across pages without fear. At Starved, anyone who identifies with womanhood is welcome, including non-binary and gender fluid individuals, from any race or background. Starved takes its name from how we feel when we search the shelves for authentic perspectives on womanhood. Starved is a reclamation of our hunger.

Starved welcomes submissions from writers resident on the island of Ireland, including new and emerging writers. Send your  short stories/end your unpublished short stories, poetry, essays, and reviews. Word count guidelines for prose and essays is up to 5000 words; for poetry no more than 40 lines; and reviews up to 1000 words.

See website for full details

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 August, 2024

Fool For Poetry International Chapbook Competition

The competition is open to new, emerging and established poets from any country. At least one of these winners will be the highest scoring manuscript entered by a poet with no solo collection (full-length or chapbook) previously published. The other winner may have previously published poetry books. Up to 25 other entrants will be publicly listed as “highly commended”. The winning chapbooks will be published by Southword Editions and launched at the Cork International Poetry Festival. Entry fee €25

1st Prize: €1000. Chapbook publication and 25 complementary copies. Featured reading at the Cork International Poetry Festival (with three-night hotel stay and full board)

2nd Prize: €500. Chapbook publication and 25 complementary copies. Featured reading at the Cork International Poetry Festival (with three-night hotel stay and full board)


See website for full details.

More Information here:
Deadline: 1 September, 2024

Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter 2024 Flash Fiction Competition

Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival is delighted to announce that its 2024 flash fiction competition is open for entries. Five shortlisted writers will be invited to read their entries at the Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival 17-20 October 2024, and the winners will be announced at the event. The competition will be judged by Averil Meehan.

More Information here:
Deadline: 2 Sept, 2024

11th Annual Bangor Poetry Competition

We are now accepting poems on the theme of: ‘In the Grand Scheme of Things’. You can enter up to eight poems per person.  The submission fee for poems is as follows: One poem £4/ Three poems £10 / Eight poems £20.  All submission fees go directly to The Bangor Poetry Competition and The Bangor Literary Journal. All poems must be in English and previously unpublished.  They should be no longer than 40 lines (not including title or stanza breaks) and can be in any style. First Place: £200 cash; your poem published in Issue 20 of The Bangor Literary Journal; a framed certificate; a paid 2025 feature in The Bangor Literary Journal. Runner Up: £100 cash; your poem published in issue 20 of The Bangor Literary Journal; a framed certificate. There will also be two poems awarded Highly Commended and Commended.

More Information here:
Deadline 5 Sept 2024

Kilkenny County Council Public Arts Programme 2024

We are seeking up to five artist-led projects which should seek to challenge, engage and innovate, through meaningful dialogue, research and engagement with communities. Kilkenny County Council will be accepting proposals from any recognised art form, from individuals or teams, who seek to devise and complete new work, developed in a collaborative setting. We are seeking compelling, ambitious proposals from artists; which meet, challenge and expand our ideas of public art.

There are a total of five commissions available under the programme.

Two commissions of up to €115,000 each.

Two commissions of up to €75,000 each.

One commission of up to €40,000

More Information here:
6 September, 2024

Willowbrook Creative Writing Retreat 2024

A weekend of writing workshops and activities facilitated by Orfhlaith Foyle (short story, poet, dramatist) , Emma Langford (singer/songwriter)  and Colm Keegan (poet, spoken word artist). This is the fourth creative writing retreat involving readings / performances by the facilitators, a full day of workshops, an open mic session, all your meals provided, and a novel activity to close out the weekend.

Full weekend including glamping accommodation, meals & workshops €240

Full weekend including meals & workshops, but no accommodation €160 (includes a camping pitch if you’d like to take a tent/van/caravan)

See website for details and tickets

More Information here:
Deadline: 30 Sept, 2024

The Southword Editor’s Poetry Award

The Southword Editor’s Poetry Award Competition is now open for entries. Writes are invited to submit 3 poems. Each entrant for their €24 entry fee will receive a complementary postage-free, one-year subscription to Southword. Poems will be read and judged anonymously. The winning poet will have their three poems published in Southword. The prize is €1000 for the best entry of three poems.

More Information here:
Deadline: 15 October, 2024

Caledonia Novel Award 2025

The Caledonia Novel Award 2025 is an Edinburgh-based international writing competition for unpublished and self-published novelists, 18 years and over, writing in all genres for adults and YA. Entrants are asked to send their first 20 pages plus a 200-word synopsis. The entry fee is £28. We offer 1,500 top prize; £500 for Highly Commended novel; free place on a writing course at Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre for the writer of the best novel from the UK and Ireland. This year’s judge is Alice Lutyens, literary agent at Curtis Brown. Entries close at midnight GMT 15 October, 2024.

More Information here:
Deadline: 7 October, 2024

The Peter Porter Poetry Prize from the Australian Book Review

The Peter Porter Poetry Prize is one of Australia’s most lucrative and respected poetry awards.  The winner will receive $6,000, with the four other shortlisted poets receiving $1,000 each.

Entries must be an original and unpublished single-authored poem of not more than 60 lines. The five shortlisted poems will be published in the January–February 2025 issue of ABR and the winner will be announced at a ceremony later that month. This year’s judges are Sarah Holland-Batt, Paul Kane, and Peter Rose. 


Entry costs AU$20 for ABR subscribers or AU$30 for non-subscribers

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 December, 2024

The Moth Poetry Prize 2024

The Moth Poetry Prize is one of the biggest prizes in the world for a single unpublished poem. The prize is open to anyone, as long as the poem is previously unpublished, and each year it attracts thousands of entries from new and established poets from over 50 countries worldwide. The prize is judged anonymously by a single poet. Past judges include Claudia Rankine, Billy Collins, Nick Laird, Warsan Shire and Nobel Laureate Louise Glück.

  • 1st prize:  €6,000
  • 3 runner-up prizes: €1,000
  • 8 prizes for commended poems: €250.

More Information here:
Deadline: 30 September, 2024

LitMag’s Emily Dickinson Award for Poetry

First Prize: $1,500 + publication in LitMag + agency review by  Amy Bishop-Wycisk of Trellis Literary Management, Emily Wescott of CAA,  Hailey Hedemann of William Morris Endeavor, Kelsey Day of Aragi, PJ Mark of Janklow & Nesbit, and Rayhane Sanders of Massie & McQuilken. Finalists: Three finalists will receive $100 each.  All finalists will be considered for possible agency review and publication.

More Information here:
Deadline: 31 October, 2024

The National Poetry Competition

The National Poetry Competition is one of the world’s biggest prizes for a single poem, with a first prize of £5,000, second prize of £2,000, third prize of £1,000 and seven commendations of £200. This year’s judges are John McAuliffe, Romalyn Ante and Stephen Sexton. 

The National Poetry Competition is open to everyone over 18 worldwide.


More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

Guernica / a magazine of art & politics

Founded online in 2004, Guernica is an award-winning 501(c)3 non-profit magazine focused on the intersection of arts and politics. A home for incisive ideas and necessary questions, Guernica publish memoir, reporting, interviews, commentary, poetry, fiction, and multimedia journalism exploring identity, conflict, culture, justice, science, and beyond. They offer honoraria of $50 for poetry, $100 for original essays, and $150 for original fiction and for reportage/journalism.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

PN Review

PN Review considers submissions in hard copy form only (unless you are an individual subscriber to the magazine, in which case electronic submissions, word files rather than PDFs, will be considered). Writers wishing to send work should familiarise themselves with PN Review. Submissions should generally not exceed fifteen double-spaced pages of work (prose) or four poems/five pages (verse in English or translation). Copies of the original texts should accompany translations where possible. We discourage simultaneous submissions. Writers wishing to propose projects should send a synopsis and covering letter, with sample pages, having first ascertained from the website that the kind of proposal is suitable for PN Review.

We publish no short stories, children’s prose/poetry and very little non-poetry related work (academic, biography etc.) at the current time. We are not considering fiction in English or in translation at this time.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

Poetry Ireland Review

Poetry Ireland Review is published three times annually. Poetry Ireland welcome unsolicited submissions of poems, and proposals for articles and reviews, from Ireland and abroad, in Irish or English.

Cuireann Éigse Éireann fáilte roimh iarratais i nGaeilge. Is féidir iad a sheoladh go díreach chuig i gceangaltán Word.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

The Poetry Review

The Poetry Review, founded in 1912, is the magazine of the Poetry Society, UK, and has a long-standing policy of publishing the very best work by new, up and coming poets, and established poets. All submissions are read by the editor and considered on an equal basis. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot offer any individual criticism. Our aim is to accept or reject work within three months – but please read, and follow, the submission guidelines below, in order to facilitate our response.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

The Orphic Review

The Orphic Review (Orphic Press) formerly known as Crow of Minerva was created as a blog featuring monthly interviews with women artists. It was created in 2019 by the artist Roisin Ní Neachtain with the aim of supporting and promoting emerging women artists working in any medium. It closed temporarily in March 2023 and reopened January 2024. It is currently running as a poetry journal and micropress.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing

The Dublin Review

The Dublin Review welcomes submissions of fiction and non-fiction previously unpublished in the English language. We do not accept poetry submissions. We especially encourage submissions from members of groups traditionally underrepresented in literary magazines and other cultural forums.

More Information here:
Deadline: Ongoing


Spellweaver is a new Cork based online and print journal dedicated to supporting new and emerging writers, particularly in the Fantasy genre. We accept stories and poetry, anything with a hint of the unreal. Submissions are open year-round. Contributors will be paid.

More Information here:
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The Irish Writers Centre aims to provide relevant information and resources to writers across a number of areas including publishing, marketing, copyright, social welfare and more.

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