Bursaries & Funding
Listings of ongoing Awards, Bursaries, and Grants.
Current Funding Opportunities
Writer in Residence/Fellowship Scheme DCU, The Arts Council of Ireland
Cuireann An Chomhairle Ealaíon agus Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath fáilte roimh iarratais le haghaidh Scríbhneoir Cónaithe Gaeilge don bhliain féilire 2025. Bunaíodh an chónaitheacht chun timpeallacht spreagúil a chur ar fáil do Scríbhneoir Cónaithe, agus le tacaíocht airgeadais a sholáthar dóibh díriú ar a gcleachtas cruthaitheach féin. Anuas air sin, cuireann an chónaitheacht le fuinneamh agus spleodar na hOllscoile, agus tugtar deis do na mic léinn agus don phobal acadúil plé le scríbhneoir gníomhach ar feadh saintréimhse. Submit by 3 October 2024
Writer in Residence, Dublin City University, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and Dublin City University invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer in Residence for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the writer, and afford a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university, and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer in Residence will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in the School of English in Dublin City University, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
www.artscouncil.ieWriter in Residence, Maynooth University, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and Maynooth University invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer in Residence for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the resident for the writer, and afford a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university, and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer in Residence will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in the Department of English in Maynooth University, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
www.artscouncil.ieWriter in Residence, University of Galway, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and University of Galway invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer in Residence for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the resident writer and afford them a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer in Residence will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in the Creative Writing programmes in the School of English, Media and Creative Arts at University of Galway, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
www.artscouncil.ieWriter’s Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and Trinity College Dublin invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer Fellow for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the writer, and afford a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university, and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer Fellow will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in Trinity Oscar Wilde Centre for Irish Writing, School of English, Trinity College, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
Writer in Residence, University College Cork, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and University College Cork (UCC) invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer in Residence for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the writer, and afford a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university, and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer in Residence will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in the School of English and Digital Humanities programme at UCC, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
www.artscouncil.ieWriter in Residence, University College Dublin, The Arts Council of Ireland
The Arts Council and University College Dublin invite applications from mid-career and established writers for Writer in Residence for the calendar year 2025. The Arts Council Writer in Residence programme was established to provide a stimulating environment for the resident for the writer, and afford a degree of financial support to concentrate on their own practice. Additionally, the residency brings energy and dynamism to the university, and allows students and faculty to engage with a practicing writer for a concentrated period. The Writer in Residence will be engaged for the calendar year 2025 and will be situated in the School of English, Drama, and Film in University College Dublin, with the opportunity to engage with the wider campus. Submit by 3 October 2024
www.artscouncil.ieGalway Cultural Company – 3 Artist Residences as part of The Air We Share – Spoken Word
The Air We Share is an initiative that engages with the increasingly important issue of air quality and pollution through artistic interventions, citizen science and community action, through bringing together an interdisciplinary consortium of local partners led by Galway City Council with Galway Arts Centre, University of Galway’s Centre for Creative Technology and Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies and Physics, Galway Culture Company, Creative Climate Action, and Westside Resource Centre. This is an open call for three significant artist in residence opportunities valued at €38,000 each, 9 month residencies (Oct 2024- July 2025) managed by the creative lead partner Galway Arts Centre and open to artists/collectives of all disciplines – including but not limited to; visual arts, socially-engaged practices, immersive technologies, including augmented reality + virtual reality and film, dance, theatre, music, spoken word, and digital arts. Deadline 30 September
galwayculturecompany.ieArts Council Northern Ireland
National Lottery Major Individuals Awards (SIAP)
Major Individual Awards are intended to create the circumstances in which established artists with national / international recognition may develop extended or ambitious work. Costs can be for specific projects, specialised research, personal artistic development and materials/ equipment. Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice who have not previously received a major award and who have achieved national or international recognition.
Arts Council Northern Ireland
National Lottery Artists’ International Development Fund (SIAP)
The programme will support early-stage international development opportunities for individual, freelance and self-employed artists and organisations based in Northern Ireland. It will afford recipients the opportunity to spend time building links with artists, organisations and/or creative producers in another country. The aim of the programme is to support individual international developmental opportunities for talent and artistic excellence from Northern Ireland and, thereby, enhance Northern Ireland’s international artistic development, reputation and standing.
Arts Council Northern Ireland
National Lottery Support for Individual Artists Programme Project Funding for Individuals
The aim of the SIAP is to support artists across all disciplines to create work and develop their practice. Awards can be for specific projects, specialised research or personal artistic development. Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice (including DJs) In a limited number of cases, individual technical staff/administrators of professional artistic companies may also be eligible.
Arts Council of Ireland Writers in Schools Scheme
The Writers in Schools Scheme part-funds visits by writers and storytellers to schools throughout the island of Ireland. This scheme is co-funded by the Arts Council but administered by Poetry Ireland. Maximum awarded €200. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
www.artscouncil.ieNational and Regional Arts offices
Find out the supports, opportunities, communities & funding available on a national & county level via your local arts office
Arts Council Ireland
The Arts Council of Ireland is the Irish government agency for developing the arts. We work in partnership with artists, arts organisations, public policy makers and others to build a central place for the arts in Irish life.
www.artscouncil.ieArts Council Northern Ireland
Arts Council funding supports hundreds of artists, arts practitioners, venues and communities. We invest money from Government and the National Lottery to support arts and culture across Northern Ireland.
artscouncil-ni.orgCarlow Arts Office
carlow.ieCavan Arts Office
Cavan County Council Arts Office is the local government agency charged with leading the development of the arts in the county. They work in partnership with the Arts Council, Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and with other government departments as well as agencies and organisations within and beyond the cultural sector.
www.cavanarts.ieClare Arts Office
Established as the first Local Authority Arts Office in the country in 1986, Clare Arts Office has led the way in arts development and supports for artists at local level for many years.
clarearts.ieCork Arts Office
Established as the first Local Authority Arts Office in the country in 1986, Clare Arts Office has led the way in arts development and supports for artists at local level for many years.
www.corkcity.ieDonegal Arts Office
The Arts Service works closely with a wide range of artists, arts organisations, education service providers and community groups in all parts of County Donegal.
www.donegalcoco.ieDublin Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Arts Office
dlr Arts Office supports arts activity and practice in the County in several ways including the annual arts grants while also supporting the professional development of individual artists, groups and organisations.
www.dlrcoco.ieDublin Fingal Arts Office
Fingal County Council’s Arts Office encourages and supports cultural activity within Fingal by offering financial support to organised arts and community groups under Section 6 of the 2003 Arts Act.
fingalarts.ieDublin South Council Arts Office
South Dublin County Council Arts Office provides a service that supports the development of creative people and communities through the Arts. Provision and support of high quality arts experiences are central to the service. This is realised through research, programmes, events, grants and awards and the development of on-line and off-line resources.
www.sdcc.ieGalway Arts Office
Galway City Council Arts Office aims to support events in Galway Central, City East and City West. We also aim to support events that encourage and support diversity as well as events that ensure late-night offerings become a feature of the evening time culture and economy of Galway City.
www.galwaycity.ieKildare Arts Office
Kildare County Council Arts Service aims to foster, promote and develop the arts and cultural development in the county. The Arts Service’s mission is to encourage, support and inspire individuals, communities, and artists, to improve the experience of the arts and creativity for all people living in the county.
kildarecoco.ieKerry Arts Office
The Kerry Arts Office was established in the late 1980’s through a co-funding model by the Arts Council and the Local Authorities across Ireland. The Arts Office is responsible for the development and implementation of services which provide support to the diverse arts sector in Kerry, such as programming, funding, information, advice, promotion and policy
arts.kerrycoco.ieKilkenny Arts Office
Kilkenny County Council Arts Office works to develop, co-ordinate, motivate, inspire and strengthen artistic activity throughout the city and county. We promote the arts as a worthwhile activity for all, coordinate key national arts and culture events and provide advice and support for groups and individuals
kilkennyartsoffice.ieLaois Arts Office
Our purpose is to plan a comprehensive arts programme for the people of County Laois.
laois.ieLeitrim Arts Office
Throughout this year Leitrim County Council will be writing a new Arts Plan and a new Culture & Creativity Strategy for 2023-2028, which will include a review of our current Arts Strategy and our Creative Ireland Culture & Creativity Strategy.
www.leitrimcoco.ieLimerick Arts Office
Limerick City Council provides a range of arts and cultural services through its combined support for the Arts Service, Limerick City Gallery of Art, The Library Service and The Museum Service. Together these services provide programmes of activities that create an access for all approach to service provision.
www.limerick.ieLongford Arts Office
Longford Arts works to support, promote and build capacity within the arts sector in County Longford. This includes exposing students and young people to the arts for their enjoyment, learning and to inspire their future possibilities.
longfordlibrary.ieLouth Arts Office
The Arts Service works towards a society which values the arts, and recognises their positive contribution to individuals and communities. By supporting those who create art, the quality of life and the richness of cultures in Louth will be enhanced.
createlouth.ieMayo Arts Office
The Arts Service is responsible for the development and implementation of services which provide support for the arts in Mayo. |They aim to make arts accessible and inclusive to all., providing information, promotion, advice, programming and policy while covering all art forms; music, visual arts, literature, drama, dance, film, community arts and public art.
www.mayo.ieMeath Arts Office
Meath County Council Arts Office works to support and develop a diverse range of interesting, engaging, and dynamic creative offerings throughout County Meath.
www.meath.ieMonaghan Arts Office
Monaghan Arts Office aim is to enhance the quality of people’s experience of the Arts, to advocate the unique value of the arts in society and to recognise both promise and achievement in the creation of Art
monaghan.ieOffaly Arts Office
www.offaly.ieRoscommon Arts Office
The Roscommon County Council actively encourage the development of creative activity in the county. They achieve this by providing greater opportunity and access to arts events, workshops, information and expertise, encouraging greater appreciation and participation in the arts generally for people of all ages and backgrounds.
www.roscommoncoco.ieSligo Arts Office
Sligo Arts Service is a department of Sligo County Council, working in partnership with the Arts Council of Ireland and key stakeholders locally, regionally and nationally to deliver a high quality arts service for the people of County Sligo.
www.sligoarts.ieTipperary Arts Office
The Tipperary Arts Office strives to broaden and deepen access to the arts and to further develop strategies for sustainable engagement, creating an environment where the arts will continue to thrive.
www.tipperarycoco.ieWaterford Arts Office
Waterfordarts.com is the voice of the Waterford arts service that is provided by Waterford City and County Council. The site offers up-to-date news on Arts Service programmes as well as information on the arts in Waterford and beyond. They also welcome pieces about arts and culture, as well as general entertainment
waterfordarts.comWestmeath Arts Office
The Arts Office provides support for the professional, voluntary, community and amateur arts sectors in Westmeath and provides information and advice to the community on Arts related issues.
www.westmeathcoco.ieWexford Arts Office
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of County Wexford by enabling people to engage in high quality arts experiences and by stimulating and supporting standards of excellence among artists in their practice. Their aims are empowering artists, arts organisations and communities, providing opportunities for people to engage in high quality arts experience and Stimulating and supporting standards of excellence in the arts in County Wexford
www.wexfordcoco.ieWicklow Arts Office
Wicklow County Arts Office was established as a core service of Wicklow Local Authorities in 1997, to stimulate arts practice in the county and to support artist development. The Arts Office has a core programme of residencies, educational projects, artist supports and youth arts events that are funded by both Wicklow County Council and the Arts Council of Ireland.