Cúrsa Gairid sa Ghearrscéalaíocht le Réaltán Ní Leannáin
Date: October 10, 2024
Time: 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Duration: 4 weeks
Level: Beginner | Emerging |
Cost: €120 (€108 Members)
Online/In Person: Online
This course will take place online on Thursdays for 4 weeks
Course Summary
Cúrsa é seo atá dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil suim acu faobhar a chur ar a scileanna scríbhneoireachta sa ghearrscéal. Beidh sé in oiriúint dóibh siúd gur mhaith leo forbairt a dhéanamh ar ábhar gearrscéalaíochta atá tosaithe acu cheana agus do scríbhneoirí a bhfuil taithí acu ag scríobh i seánraí eile ach gur mhaith leo triail a bhaint as an ghearrscéalaíocht. Pléifear roinnt de shaintréithe an ghearrscéil mar sheanrá. Déanfar aischothú criticiúil ar ábhar scríbhneoireachta atá idir lámha ag rannpháirtithe an chúrsa agus molfar roinnt léitheoireachta gach seachtain.
This course is suitable for those who wish to develop their short story skills. It will be suited to those who wish to develop short story work in progress and to those writers who are used to working in other genres and wish to dip their toes in the short story water. The elements that define the short story as a genre will be discussed. Participants will take part in critical reviews of work in progress and reading recommendations will be made each week.
Course Outline
Seachtain 1: Scéal gearr nó gearrscéal? Eilimintí den ghearrscéal comhaimseartha.
Déanfar comhréiteach ar an chur chuige le haischothú a dhéanamh ar shaothar rannpháirtithe an chúrsa gach seachtain. Beidh píosa gearr le scríobh sa rang gach seachtain ach beidh deis ag rannpháirtithe sleachta níos faide nó gearrscéal iomlán a chur os comhair an ghrúpa le haischothú a fháil.
Beidh léitheoireacht le déanamh do gach seisiún roimh ré.
Seachtain 2: Coimhead an bhearna. Tumaimis isteach i mbearnaí sa scéalaíocht agus ina bhfeidhm sa seánra.
Seachtain 3: Eagarthóireacht, athdhréachtú agus am.
Seachtain 4: Caint dhíreach i gcomparáid le reacaireacht, agus nithe ag éirí astu.
Week 1: A short story or a story that’s short? Elements of the contemporary short story.
A feedback approach on work submitted weekly by course participants will be agreed. There will be a short piece to write in each session but participants will also have the opportunity to receive feedback on a longer piece or a complete short story.
Participants will be assigned reading each week.
Week 2: Mind the gap. Exploring gaps in storytelling and their function in the genre.
Week 3: Editing, redrafting and time.
Week 4: Direct speech versus narrative voice, and issues arising.
Course Outcomes
I ndiaidh an chúrsa beidh barúil níos fearr ag rannpháirtithe ar roinnt gnéithe de chuid na gearrscéalaíochta. Déanfar staidéar ar roinnt de na gnéithe coitianta a bhaineann le heagarthóireacht agus athdhréachtú, caint dhíreach agus reacaireacht, agus nithe eile mar a oireann. Beidh rannpháirtithe níos neamhspleáiche i bhforbairt a gcuid gearrscéalta féin.
By the end of this course participants will have a firmer knowledge of elements of the short story. Several of the common aspects of the short story will be studied, such as editing and redrafting, direct speech and narrative, and other aspects as they arise. Participants will develop more independence in the development process of their own short stories.
Réaltán Ní Leannáin: Údar í a bhfuil ábhar foilsithe aici i seánraí na húrscéalaíochta, gearrscéalaíochta, filíochta, drámaí raidió agus eile. Is duine d’eagarthóirí na díolama gearrscéalaíochta Bláth na dTulach í, a ghnóthaigh Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin sa bhliain 2022.
Réaltán Ní Leannáin has a body of published work which includes the novel, short story, poetry, radio drama and other writing. She is one of the editors of the award-winning short story anthology Bláth na dTulach, which was the Oireachtas na Gaeilge winner of Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin in 2022.
A review of the anthology, Bláth na dTulach, here:
The link to the anthology podcast series here, it might be worth putting on the Content page:
Booked out? To be added to the waiting list for this course, please email info@irishwriterscentre.ie.