The Confidence Booster with Anne Tannam
Date: March 2, 2022
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: €165 (€150 Members)
All Irish Writers Centre remote courses take place on Irish Standard Time (GMT)
Course Summary:
Believing in yourself as a writer can be hard, and sustaining a regular writing practice can be even harder, especially during these uncertain times. As writers, what supports can we put in place to boost our confidence levels so we can stay energised and focused on our art and craft? This coach-led interactive six-week course will give participants the space, knowledge, resources and tools needed to trust themselves as writers, happily committed to their practice, despite the ebb and flow of a writing life.
Course Outline:
- Exploding the myth of the perfect writing practice. How to stay fully committed while embracing the messiness of life!
- Knowing our compelling purpose as a writer fuels our creative energy. Discover yours.
- The writer’s life as inspiration – nothing is wasted. What can you uniquely bring to the page?
- Reframing ‘stuck’ or ‘blocked’ as natural stages in the creative process. Learn to recognise where you are in the process and how to lean into and make the most of each stage.
- No writer is an island. How to find your tribe and identify ways to build working relationships that will sustain you.
It is recommended that participants keep a learning journal for the duration of the course. Slides are available after each session.
Course Outcomes:
Participants will come away from this course confident and re-energised, with a deeper understanding of their compelling purpose as a writer, and with a bagful of practical tools and techniques to keep the creative juices flowing, even on the off days.
Anne Tannam is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) who helps writers to design and sustain flourishing writing practices. She regularly runs workshops and clinics online and across the country. For more on Anne’s coaching, visit www.creativecoaching.ie.
Anne has published three poetry collections, the latest ‘Twenty-six Letters of a New Alphabet’ was published with Salmon Poetry in July 2021. For more on Anne’s poetry, visit www.annetannampoetry.ie.