Go raibh maith agat as a bheith páirteach inár Takin’ the Mic dátheangach! On Wednesday 17th July, at Pearse Street Library, hosted by Ciara Ní É, the Irish Writers Centre held its Bilingual Takin’ the Mic with featured guest poet Charlotte Buckley. 


Ciara Ní É, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Buíochas lenár láithreoir iontach don oíche MC Ciara. Thank you to our incredible MC Ciara for hosting the night.

Scríbhneoir agus craoltóir í Ciara Ní É a bhfuil a cuid filíochta léite aici i bPáras, i Nua-Eabhrac, i Londain, sa Bhruiséil, sa tSualainn, agus sa bhaile in Éirinn. Bhí sí ar an liosta ‘100 Women Changing Ireland in 2022’ de chuid an Irish Examiner. Bhí sí mar Ealaíontóir Cónaithe le Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh & an Bhéaloidis UCD 2023, leis an Dublin Fringe Festival in 2022, agus le DCU in 2020. Foilsíodh saothar dá cuid sna díolaim Marrow/Cnámh agus Smior, Washing Windows Too, Queering the Green, in irisí éagsúla, is tá neart físdánta aici ar YouTube. Chomhbhunaitheoir an chomharghrúpa AerachAiteachGaelach í agus is ambasadóir í le hÁras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann. Faoi láthair tá sí ag obair ar a chéad ghearrscannán mar scríbhneoir agus stiúrthóir.

Writer and broadcaster Ciara Ní É has performed in Paris, New York, London, Brussels, and Sweden. She was chosen as one of the Irish Examiner’s ‘100 Women Changing Ireland in 2022’. She was Artist in Residence UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies & Folklore 2023, the Dublin Fringe Festival in 2022, and DCU in 2020. Her work has been published in the recent anthologies Bone and Marrow/Cnámh agus Smior, Queering the Green and Washing Windows Too, in various journals, and video poems can be found on her YouTube. She is a co-founder of the LGBTQ+ arts collective AerachAiteachGaelach and is an Irish Writers Centre ambassador. She has just finished directing her first short film.

Charlotte Buckley, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Buíochas lenár aoi speisialta Charlotte Buckley as do léamh álainn. Thank you to our special guest Charlotte Buckley for your beautiful readings. Charlotte Buckley’s poetry has appeared in Banshee, Poetry Ireland Review, The Stinging Fly, and elsewhere. She was a finalist in Munster Literature Centre’s International Chapbook Competition and the Aryamati Poetry Prize for Peace and Social Change. In 2022, she was selected for the Irish Writers Centre’s Mentoring Programme and received an Arts Council of Ireland Agility Awards. Her work can be found in anthologies such as Romance Options (Dedalus Press, 2023) and Slow Things (The Emma Press, 2015).

Buíochas mór le gach duine a léigh ar an oíche, go háirithe na daoine cróga a thóg an maidhc den chéad uair! A huge thank you to everyone who read on the night, especially those who braved the mic for the first time!

We had 12 participants who signed up and set the stage on fire with their performances. See below a selection a performers from the night.

Peter Clarke, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Roxanna Nic Liam, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Ronan Lynagh, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Shane Kiernan, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Phil Lynch, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Rachel Handley, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Seosamh Ó Maolaiaí, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Glen Holmes, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)


Megan Atkinson, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Moya Noctor, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

Alahna O’Brien, Pearse Street Library (July 2024)

It was a wonderful evening of music and word, a beautiful celebration of both our languages and our individual ways of expressing ourselves.

Buíochas mór le gach duine a léigh ar an oíche, go háirithe na daoine cróga a thóg an maidhc den chéad uair!
A huge thank you to everyone who read on the night, especially those who braved the mic for the first time!

We would also like to thank UNESCO City of Literature, Dublin and Dublin City Libraries for providing the perfect venue for our festivities!

Tacaíonn Foras na Gaeilge leis an imeacht seo. This event is supported by Foras na Gaeilge.




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