Access the Irish Writers Centre Branding Guidelines

Access the branding guidelines here.

If you have questions please contact the Irish Writers Centre Communications and Marketing Officer Jo Morton at

Pink Primary English Logo (preferred)  

For white or light background image

  • Download RGB png file here
  • Download CYMK png file here

Black Primary English Logo (preferred) 

For white or light background image

  • Download RGB png file here

White Primary English Logo

For black or light background image

  • Download RGB png file here

See below our main social media accounts to promote your event/project which has been supported by the Irish Writers Centre.


   Facebook    Twitter    Instagram    Youtube
   irishwritersctr    IrishWritersCtr    irishwriterscentre    IrishWritersCtr


  • Follow us on social media channels (listed above), like and share our posts as you wish.
  • Tag us (listed above) on your social media posts. We can then share them on our platforms.
  • Any relevant hashtags should be agreed ahead of promotion

After the event/project is complete please send any photos or videos so that we can share them and update our own archives.

If you are partnering on a project or event with us, and producing a website listing/page, posters, flyers you must credit the Irish Writers Centre.

  • Please see above Using our logo and branding assets for guidelines and downloading the IWC  logo.
  • Please note that inclusion of this logo credit is obligatory and a condition of partnership with the Irish Writers Centre.

The Irish Writers Centre must have access for reviewing any marketing material relating to an IWC partnered programme before it is released to the public. This includes both text and posters. Material should not be posted publicly until the Irish Writers Centre has signed-off on the final proof.

N.B. Please note that the Irish Writers Centre does not have any apostrophes in its name.

If you are employed by the Irish Writers Centre, or if you have availed of specific programme support, you will be asked to provide a headshot. Please ensure that the headshot you provide is of good quality;

●      Ensure that both your head and shoulders are visible in the shot,

●      Ensure that the lighting is of good quality,

●      Ensure the photo is high resolution.

Book or other work published 

If you have had a book or piece of work published as a result of support from the Irish Writers Centre, please let us know.

Acknowledgement of support from the Irish Writers Centre must appear on the copyright and ISBN page of any published literary work receiving financial or in-kind support from the Irish Writers Centre (including participation in the Novel Fair). The wording ‘(Title of work) – received (financial) support from the Irish Writers Centre’ must appear together with the Irish Writers Centre logo.

N.B. Please note that the Irish Writers Centre does not have any apostrophes in its name.

Your Writer’s CV

If you are employed by the Irish Writers Centre for course facilitation, events, mentoring, or as part of a judging panel, it is appropriate for you to name the Irish Writers Centre on your CV if you wish.

Social Media

We welcome writers who have been employed by the Irish Writers Centre in any capacity listed above to mention and tag the Irish Writers Centre in your bio on social media as appropriate. (see social media handles above in Social Media Acknowledgement Guidelines)

Writers engaging in IWC programmes will be asked for their social media handles. If the IWC is announcing a project or event that you are involved in, you will be tagged in promotional posts.*

*Please let us know if you do not wish for your social media account to be used in a professional capacity.

The Arts Council of Ireland is the Irish Writers Centre’s Core Funder. All IWC partnered initiatives must credit the Arts Council with inclusion of their logo on brochures, online programmes and website pages.

See Arts Council logo guidelines.