One-to-One Mentoring
The Irish Writers Centre has developed a panel of Professional Members who are published and experienced authors or industry professionals acting as mentors to help you make your writing as good as it can be.
One-to-One Mentoring
Helping you make your writing as good as it can be
Are you struggling to complete your novel or could you use a trained eye to help you finish your book of poetry?
Have you got a film script underway that needs a professional point of view or perhaps you’re working to complete a collection of short fiction?
The Irish Writers Centre has developed a panel of Professional Members who are published and experienced authors or industry professionals acting as mentors to help you make your writing as good as it can be. This initiative is aimed at intermediate and advanced level writers looking for professional input. Our mentors list is currently at capacity. Please note that mentees must be over 18 to apply.

One-to-One Mentoring
Our Current Panel
Caelainn Hogan
Feature Writing, Longform Journalism, Creative Nonfiction
caelainnhogan.wordpress.comMarcel Krueger
Creative Non-Fiction, Including Memoir, Essays, Travel and Place Writing
Fiction | Non-fiction | Screenwriting | Playwriting
€275 – up to 10,000 words read in advance, 300 word report, followed by 1.5 hour one-to-one meeting.
€300 – up to 15,000 words read in advance, 300 word report, followed by 1.5 hour one-to-one meeting.
€350 – up to 20,000 words read in advance, 300 word report, followed by 1.5 hour one-to-one meeting.
€275 – Up to 240 lines of poetry read in advance, 300 word report, followed by 1.5 hour one-to-one meeting.
Further Details
- Meetings can be on a once-off basis or split into short sessions, that total 1.5 hours
- Meetings can be in person, or by Zoom or phone if agreed in advance with the mentee
- The wordcount can include a one page synopsis, a treatment, or character breakdown depending on the form.