08 August, 2024
Opportunities and Competitions August 2024
Photo description: In 2024 we are spotlighting all the amazing independent bookshops and booksellers on the island of Ireland simply because we love them and we think you should too! Books Upstairs is an independent bookstore located on Dublin, on D’Olier Street, close to Trinity College offering new books, second hand books and their famous Books Upstairs Cáfe is a well known venue for book launches. Scroll down to find out more about this iconic Dublin landmark.
Each month we update our Competitions, Submissions & Opportunities webpage, along with our Bursaries & Funding, to ensure we are connecting our writers with the best upcoming opportunities. Here are some of the highlights coming this month
IMRAM, Irish Language Literature Festival Issues Open Call to Artists
Deadline: 9 August, 2024
Tá gairm oscailte d’ealaíontóirí agus do léiritheoirí eisithe ag IMRAM, féile litríochta Gaeilge, chun moltaí a chur isteach a bhainfeadh le tionscadail nua litríochta a d’fhéadfadh a bheith mar chuid de chlár na féile sa bhliain 2025. Ba chóir go mbeadh na tionscadail fréamhaithe i litríocht na Gaeilge agus soláthróidh IMRAM buiséad sa réimse €500 go €5,000 do na hiarratais sin a n-éiríonn leo. Más spéis leat an obair seo, iarrtar ort cur síos a dhéanamh ar an tionscadal, eolas a chur ar fáil faoi na scríbhneoirí/ ealaíontóirí a bheadh páirteach ann (1,000 focal ar a mhéid) chomh maith le meastachán garbh ar bhuiséad.
IMRAM, the Irish language literature festival has issued an open call inviting artists and curators to submit proposals for new literature projects which could be part of their festival programme in 2025. The projects should be rooted in Irish language literature and IMRAM will provide a budget of between €500 and €5,000. Those interested are asked to submit a description of the project, information regarding the writers/artists who will be involved (maximum of 1,000 words) and an estimated budget.
Call for Applications – Afghanistan Cultural Fund
Deadline: 15 August 2024
In response to the significant challenges faced by the Afghan cultural scene since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, the Afghanistan Cultural Fund (ACF) is being established.
The ACF invites Afghan artists and cultural practitioners to submit grant applications. The current call for proposals has begun, focusing on the two main themes of music and storytelling. This aims to celebrate the richness of the Afghan music landscape and unique narrative styles, from traditional songs to contemporary compositions, from poetry to photographic essays reflecting personal experiences in exile.
The Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship
Deadline: 30 August, 2024
The Trustees of the Estate of Katherine Kavanagh intend to offer the Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship, normally of up to €8,000, again in 2024. The Fellowship is specifically for Irish poets in their middle years. Poets in order to be eligible must have published a substantial body of work, and show that they are in particular need of assistance. Poets who think they may be entitled to apply are strongly advised to request further information on the conditions of application for the Fellowship, by writing to the Trustees at 7 Derrygreenagh Park, Rochfortbridge, Co Westmeath N91 X8W6, or by email to contact@patrickkavanaghtrust.ie
Applicants are advised to retain a certificate of posting for materials submitted, and to email the Trust confirming that their application is in the post. There is no application form, but applicants will be asked to supply documentary evidence of age, financial need and Irish citizenship. They will also be asked to supply copies of publications. The Trustees will keep all personal information which is submitted confidential. The Fellowship will be awarded in November, 2024.
Irish Writer Centre Autumn Open Day
Deadline: 31 August 2024
Taking place inside our beautiful Georgian building on Parnell Square in Dublin, Autumn Open Day is a dynamic programme of free events that brings together anyone with an interest in writing. Expect taster workshops, information sessions, writer-led panel discussion, and more over the whole day.
Kilkenny County Council Public Arts Programme 2024
Deadline: 5 September 2024
We are seeking up to five artist-led projects which should seek to challenge, engage and innovate, through meaningful dialogue, research and engagement with communities. Kilkenny County Council will be accepting proposals from any recognised art form, from individuals or teams, who seek to devise and complete new work, developed in a collaborative setting. We are seeking compelling, ambitious proposals from artists; which meet, challenge and expand our ideas of public art. There are five commissions available under the programme. Two commissions of up to €115,000 each. Two commissions of up to €75,000 each. One commission of up to €40,000
Interior view of Books Upstairs, the iconic bookstore, cáfe & venue for live events
The Storms
Deadline: 14 August, 2024
To celebrate addition funding to pay contributors, The Storms is a print journal of poetry, prose and visual art is extending submissions for its latest issue. This issue’s theme is Dublin Days; from city to shore and across the sea. Issue 4 will be launched at Ardgillan Castle 10 Nov 2024, supported by Fingal Arts and Dublin UNESCO City of Literature
The Four Faced Liar
Deadline: 14 August, 2024
The Four Faced Liar is a Cork-inspired and based, Irish-flavoured, internationally-facing journal publishing an eclectic mix of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, work in translation and visual art. This journal pays €200 for short stories or creative nonfiction pieces, €100 per poem, €100 for flash fiction, and €100 per visual art piece published. Each contributor also receives a free copy of the magazine.
Deadline: 25 September, 2024
The next issue of Abridged ‘On The Train and On The Tracks’ is a special all Irish/Ireland based issue. Abridged is looking for poetry and/or art on control, choice, destiny, fate, anger and loss. This issue is open to Irish poets and artists at home and abroad and anyone who is based/living on the island of Ireland
There is a €50 fee for each contributor to this issue, thanks to funding from Arts Council Ireland.
31 August, 2024
A new Journal! Starved aims to create a space for women to scream into; a home for hysterics; a place where the innards of woman can be splayed across pages without fear. At Starved, anyone who identifies with womanhood is welcome, including non-binary and gender fluid individuals, from any race or background. Starved takes its name from how we feel when we search the shelves for authentic perspectives on womanhood. Starved is a reclamation of our hunger. Starved welcomes submissions from writers resident on the island of Ireland, including new and emerging writers. Send your short stories/end your unpublished short stories, poetry, essays, and reviews. Word count guidelines for prose and essays is up to 5000 words; for poetry no more than 40 lines; and reviews up to 1000 words.
The Shore
Deadline: 5 September 2024
The Shore is an online poetry publication seeking cutting, strange, and daring work from new and established poets alike. We want poems that explore the worlds of things and ideas, that recognize the liminality, the shifting of everything around us and our ability to name a thing whole. We want poems that press and push and ache and recede. Send us your best. We publish 4 times a year, once each season.
There are 3 floors to satisfy every taste at Books Upstairs
The Waterford Poetry Prize
Deadline: 14 August, 2024
The Waterford Poetry Prize is open to all writers currently living on the island of Ireland. This prize has emerged from the influence of the late Waterford writer Seán Dunne whose poetry continues to inspire. The winners of the Waterford Poetry Prize 2024 will be announced at the closing event of the Waterford Writers Weekend on Sunday 27th October 2024. The judge is writer and poet Colm Keegan. First prize is €400 plus attendance at a designated writing course under the auspices of the Molly Keane Writers Retreat, Ardmore in 2025.
The 2024 Frances Browne Multilingugal Poetry Competition
Deadline: 21 August 2024
The successful Frances Browne International Poetry Competition, pioneered by Celine Mc Glynn and Dr. Pauline Holland, has been an established event since 2008. The competition is unique in its tri-lingual approach, welcoming poets writing in the English, Irish and Ulster-Scots languages. Since the very first year, the team has been astounded by the volume of entries, and the high quality of the poetry. We believe this is because our competition fulfills a real artistic need for our communities to express themselves in their venacular languages.
Tá lúcháir orainn Comórtas Ilteangach Filíochta Frances Browne 2024 a sheoladh. Déantar ceiliúradh ar oidhreacht Oirthear Dhún na nGall tríd an chomórtas seo, comórtas a chuireann fáilte roimh dhánta cumtha i nGaeilge, i mBéarla, agus in Ultais. Is féidir dánta a sheoladh isteach faoi láthair agus tá muid ag dúil le cluinstin ó fhilí áitiúla agus idirnáisiúnta.
Fool For Poetry International Chapbook Competition
Deadline: 31 August, 2024
The competition is open to new, emerging and established poets from any country. At least one of these winners will be the highest scoring manuscript entered by a poet with no solo collection (full-length or chapbook) previously published. The other winner may have previously published poetry books. Up to 25 other entrants will be publicly listed as “highly commended”. The winning chapbooks will be published by Southword Editions and launched at the Cork International Poetry Festival.
The 2024 Oxford Poetry Prize
Deadline 31 August 2024
Oxford Poetry hosts the annual Oxford Poetry Prize, awarded for a single poem in the English language. The 2024 Prize opens on 1 May 2024. The guest judge is Rachel Long. The winner of the Oxford Poetry Prize receives £1,000, the runner-up £200, and third place £100. The winning poets are also offered publication in Oxford Poetry. This year’s competition closes at midnight utc on 31 August 2024. This year’s judge is Rachel Long, author of the collection, My Darling from the Lions (Picador, 2020 / Tin House, 2021)
11th Annual Bangor Poetry Competition
Deadline: 2 September, 2024
This year’s theme is ‘In the Grand Scheme of Things’. You can enter up to eight poems per person. The submission fee for poems is as follows: One poem £4/ Three poems £10 / Eight poems £20. All submission fees go directly to The Bangor Poetry Competition and The Bangor Literary Journal. All poems must be in English and previously unpublished. They should be no longer than 40 lines (not including title or stanza breaks) and can be in any style. First Place: £200 cash; your poem published in Issue 20 of The Bangor Literary Journal; a framed certificate; a paid 2025 feature in The Bangor Literary Journal. Runner Up: £100 cash; your poem published in issue 20 of The Bangor Literary Journal; a framed certificate. There will also be two poems awarded Highly Commended and Commended.
Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter 2024 Flash Fiction Competition
Deadline: 1 September, 2024
Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival is delighted to announce that its 2024 flash fiction competition is open for entries. Five shortlisted writers will be invited to read their entries at the Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival 17-20 October 2024, and the winners will be announced at the event. The competition will be judged by Averil Meehan.
12th Ó Bhéal Five Words International Poetry Competition
Every Tuesday at 12pm (Irish time) from 9th April 2024 – 28th January 2025, five words are be posted on their competition page. Entrants have one week to compose and submit one or more poems which include all five words given for that week. The winners & shortlist are announced around the first week of March 2025.
Ireland’s Man Booker Prize nominees Sebastian Barry, Elaine Feeney, Paul Lynch and Paul Murray pictured at Books Upstairs, Dublin. Photograph: Tom Honan/The Irish Times
Books Upstairs first opened in May 1978, thanks to Maurice Earls and Enda O’Doherty. The shop was located on Dublin’s South King Street. The two friends set out to open a bookshop which would support the positive role of books in society and particularly in Irish culture. The stock focused on literature, history and politics, while introducing previously absent or underrepresented genres and authors to Ireland, stocking philosophy, literary criticism, psychology, feminism and gay literature. The shop always made space for a wide range of literary and political journals.
In 1981, one half of South King Street was demolished to make way for St Stephen’s Green Shopping centre, so the shop migrated to the nearby George’s Street Market Arcade. Books Upstairs resided in the Victorian shopping arcade for eight years. In 1988, the shop moved to its more familiar perch at 36 College Green opposite Trinity College and the old parliament and were based there for twenty-seven years. In 2015, to expand into a bigger space, the shop moved to its current home in a beautifully preserved Georgian building at 17 D’Olier Street. This coincided with Maurice’s daughter Louisa Earls joining the family business.
In 2019, a secondhand section was added and in 2020 they launched their website!
Books Upstairs, 17 D’Olier Street, Dublin 2, D02 RX06, Ireland
Who needs Tinder when you have the option of Blind Date with Book!
Please get in touch with Damien at Damien@irishwriterscentre.ie if your organisation has a competition, submission, bursary or funding opportunity for writers that you would like us to include in our monthly round-up blog post.
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