01 November, 2022
Opportunities & Competitions: November 2022
Each month we update our Competitions & Submissions page, along with our Bursaries & Funding, to ensure that we are connecting our writers with the best upcoming opportunities. Here are a few deadlines we wanted to highlight in November!
Competitions & Opportunities
Cafe Writers Poetry Competition 2022
Deadline: 14th November 2022
Café Writers is a Norwich based grass-roots writers’ network supporting and showcasing work by established writers in all genres. It also encourages and champions new work by emerging writers. Cafe Writers is passionate about encouraging wider participation and excellence in literature. This competition funds their programme and allows them to pay writers properly. This year’s judge is Jennifer Wong.
The Pig’s Back: Issue 3
Deadline: 15th November 2022
The Pig’s Back (named for Donegal’s Muckish mountain and for the phrase ar mhuin na muice, to be in luck) is a literary prose journal that aims to bring the rest of Ireland – and in turn, the world – to the northwest. Founded by the Regional Cultural Centre in Letterkenny, it publishes short fiction and essays. We accept work from anywhere in the world but currently can only accept English language pieces. We do not accept poetry.
Comórtas Fillíochta Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich
Deadline: 18th November 2022
Fáilteofar roimh dhánta scríofa i nGaeilge NÓ i dteangacha eile seachas an Ghaeilge. Agus an saol ag teacht ar ais mar a bhíodh, cuirfear fáilte ar leith roimh dhánta a bhaineann leis an téama ATHNUACHÁN, ach ar ndóigh fáilteofar roimh dhánta eile chomh maith. Trí dhán an t-uasmhéid a ghlacfar ó iarrthóir ar bith. Is gá foirm iontrála a chomhlánú do gach dán acu. Ní mór d’ainm, do sheoladh agus d’uimhir theagmhála agus/nó do sheoladh ríomhphoist a scríobh ar an fhoirm iontrála, mar aon le teidil na ndánta. Ná cuir d’ainm ná aon sonraí pearsanta eile ar an leathanach/na leathanaigh a bhfuil na dánta scríofa orthu. Gearrfar táille £5 ar gach iontráil (uasmhéid 3 dhán). CHuir ríomhphost chuig caoimhin@culturlann.ie le haghaidh tuille eolas.
Unbound Firsts
Deadline: 30th November 2022
Are you a writer that:
identifies as a writer of colour?
has written your first book?
is previously unpublished?
Unbound Firsts is designed for you. We’re looking for fresh voices, new talent and amazing stories to turn into published books.
Propel Magazine: Issue 3
Deadline: 30th November 2022
Propel Magazine accepts submissions from poets based in the UK or Ireland who have yet to publish their first full-length poetry collection. We accept submissions six times a year, during one month submission windows for each Issue.
Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition
Deadline: 30th November 2022
Line limit: 40
Closing date: 30th November (midnight)
Entry fee: €7 per poem or €30 for a batch of five
The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast poems in the English language of 40 lines or fewer. The poem can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. Translated work is not in the scope of this competition. Once entered, no alterations can be made to the submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere.
The Stinging Fly
Deadline: 30th November 2022
We will be open again for submissions from November 15 until November 30. We publish new, previously unpublished work by Irish and international writers. We have a particular interest in promoting the short story. Each issue includes a mix of poetry and fiction, alongside our Featured Poets and Comhchealg sections, commissioned essays, occasional author interviews and novel extracts. We also welcome submissions of poetry and prose in translation.
Bursaries & Grants
Arts and Disability Connect Scheme: Round 2
Deadline: 1st November 2022
The Arts and Disability Connect scheme is designed to support individual artists with disabilities to be ambitious, to develop their practice and to connect with arts organisations and arts professionals in Ireland. It offers artists an opportunity to; make a change in their practice; ‘step up’ in terms of scope and scale; engage in new learning experiences; develop new working relationships; buy time to research and develop work; to make and present new work to audiences. Artists can apply for 4 different awards: New Work €15,000, Research and Development €5,000, Mentoring €3,000 and Training €1,000.
Dublin City Arts Office: Project Grants 2023
Deadline: 7th November 2022
The Purpose of the Arts Grants Programme of DCC is to support Arts Practice, Arts Participation, and Audience Development in the DCC Administrative Area through focusing the funding on requests for developmental projects, training and vocational support for Artists, community development outcomes through quality arts actions or process with an overarching emphasis on diversity and equality of opportunity.
You can find further information on each of these opportunities, and many more, over on our website.