
October 4 – October 14, 2024

July 10, 2024 at 11:59pm

Apply Here
Tá lúcháir ar Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann an deichiú bliain as a chéile de chónaitheachtaí le Cill Rialaigh a fhógairt. Éalaigh ó chúramaí laethúla do shaoil agus caith 10 lá i gCill Rialaigh, a dtugtar air go háitiúil, 'imeall an domhain.'

The Irish Writers Centre is delighted to announce its tenth consecutive year of residencies with Cill Rialaig. Escape your day-to-day life and spend 10 days writing in Cill Rialaig, locally known as “the edge of the world.”

Ag claoí le spriocanna 1 agus 3 de stráitéis 2002-2026 Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann, tabharfaidh an scéim seo tacaíocht do scríbhneoirí gairmiúla le forbairt a dhéanamh ar a gceard. Freisin, cothóidh sé an comhphobal scríbhneoirí ar a bhfreastlaíonn muid trí cur ar a gcumas a ngreasáin féin a chruthú mar aon le suíomhanna tacaíochta agus foghlamtha. Dá réir sin, leanfaidh muid le cothú agus forbairt ár bpáirtnéireachtaí agus ár gcomhghuaillíochtaí le cur lenár gcuid oibre.

In keeping with goals 1 and 3 of the IWC 2022-2026 strategy, this programme will support professional writers to advance their craft and career. It will also nurture the community of writers that we serve and empower them to create their own networks of support and learning. In turn, we will continue to maintain and develop the organisational partnerships and alliances that advance and extend our work.

Faoin chónaitheacht | About the Residency

Bronnfar deis cónaitheachta deich lá i gCill Rialaigh idir 4 Deireadh Fómhair agus 14 Deireadh Fómhair ar sheachtar. Beidh gach rud san áireamh sna cónaitheachtaí. Titfidh costas taistil agus cothabhála ar na scríbhneoirí roghnaithe. Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil amach faoin chónaitheacht agus leis an áit álainn agus insporáideach, Cill Rialaigh, Co. Chiarraí, a fheiceáil breathnaigh ar a suíomh idirlín anseo.

Seven writers will be awarded with a ten-day residency in  Cill Rialaig from Friday 4 October- Monday 14 October 2024 (leaving Cill Rialaig on 14 October). The residencies are all-inclusive. Expenses incurred by the selected writers will be food and travel. To find out more about the residency and see the beautiful and inspiring location of Cill Rialaig, Co. Kerry, view their website here.

“…Getting to slow down, inhale the beauty of the landscape, and spend the dark moonlit evenings reading and thinking felt like a generous gift. I was able to return to this work feeling centred, mindful and inspired, but the ultimate inspiration is the mission of Cill Rialaig itself what it offers to artists…” 

Roe McDermott, 2023 residency awardee

All writers, usually when bouncing between several jobs, fantasise about complete isolation. The dream is to be totally severed from the drudgery of daily life. You couldn’t ask for more of a departure from city living than at Cill Rialaig.”

– Aimée Walsh, 2023 residency awardee



Sa bhreis ar a gcuid oibre féin, iarrtar ar na scríbhneoirí roghnaithe thart faoi dhá uair a chloig a chur ar leataobh ag tús agus deireadh na cónaitheachta le teacht le chéile agus plé a dhéanamh ar chlárseidealú agus smaointe forbartha a d’fhéadfadh Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann tabhairt futhu amach anseo. Iarrtar ar na scríbhneoirí roghnaithe tuairisc scríofa a thabhairt ar an am a chaith siad ar an chónaitheacht.

In addition to their own work, we ask that the seven selected writers put aside approximately two hours at the start and at the end of the residency to meet and discuss a programming or development idea that the Irish Writers Centre might undertake in the future.

Selected writers are also asked to provide a written testimonial of their time spent at the residency.

Cé dó atá sé?

Tá an chónaitheacht seo ann do sheacht scríbhneoirí d’aon seánra nó foirm (filíocht, ficsean, neamh-fhicsean cruthaitheach, ficsean do pháistí agus aosaigh óga), a chónaíonn in Éirinn agus atá thar ocht mbliana déag. Cuirtear áiteanna ar leataobh go speisialta do:

  • Tugtar tús áite do bhaill ghairmiúla Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann don seacht áit iomlán*
  • Coinnítear dhá áit do scríbhneoirí as nó a chónaíonn i dTuaisceart Éireann, a bhuíochas sin do thacaíocht ó Chomhairle Ealaíon Thuaisceart Éireann.
  • Coinnítear dhá áit do scríbhneoirí Gaeilge, a bhuíochas sin do thacaíocht ó Fhoras na Gaeilge.

*Is é atá i gceist le Ballraíocht Ghairmiúil in Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann togra le tacaíocht bhreise agus rannpháirtíocht níos fearr a thairiscint do scríbhneoirí atá ag brath ar an scríbhneoireacht mar fhoinse ioncaim. Tá coinníollacha áirithe ag baint le ballraíocht mar sin (ní gá leabhar iomlán le bheith cáilithe).

Ní ball go fóill tú? Tá sé fuarasta agus gasta clárú do bhallraíocht ghairmiúil a luaithe is a chomhlíonann tú na coinníollacha cáilithe. Fáigh tuilleadh eolais anseo.

I gcásanna eisceachtúla, is féidir linn scríbhneoirí le taithí, nach baill ghairmúla iad, a chur san áireamh don deis seo. Munar ball tú, má tá tú míchinte faoi do stádas cáilithe féach na coinníollacha le bheith i do bhall gairmiúil d’Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann anseo. Má tá tuilleadh ceisteanna scríobh le do thoil chuig

Tugaimid spreagadh do dhaoine a bhfuil tearcionadaíocht acu i saol na litríochta in Éirinn iarratas a dhéanamh. Cuirimid fáilte ar leith roimh dhaoine gorma, dúchasaigh nó de chine daite (BIPOC), LADTAIÉ+ (LGBTQIA+), daoine den lucht siúil, daoine le míchumas agus scríbhneoirí den lucht oibre.

Who is it for?

This residency is for seven writers of any genre or form (including poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, children’s/YA fiction), who are resident on the island of Ireland and are over the age of 18. Places are specifically reserved for:

  • In the first instance, professional IWC members are prioritised for all seven places*.
  • Two places are reserved for writers from or living in the North, thanks to the support of the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
  • Two places are reserved for writers writing in theIrish language, thanks to the support of Foras na Gaeilge.

*Professional IWC Membership is our initiative to better support and engage with writers who rely on writing as a source of income. There are a variety of eligibility requirements to qualify for professional membership (you do not need a full book published to qualify). Not yet a member? It is quick and easy to sign up for professional membership once you meet the eligibility requirements. Find out more here.

In exceptional circumstances, we may consider experienced non-professional members for this opportunity. To check your eligibility as a non-member, please look at the criteria for professional IWC membership here. For further queries, please contact

We particularly encourage applications from people who are D/deaf, disabled, LGBTQIA+, Minority Ethnic, Black & Persons of Colour, Roma, a member of the Travelling Community, and from working class backgrounds.

Cén uair a tharlaíonn sé? | When does it take place?

Bronnfar deis cónaitheachta deich lá i gCill Rialaigh idir 4 Deireadh Fómhair agus 14 Deireadh Fómhair ar sheachtar.

Friday 4 October, 2024 until Monday 14 October, 2024.

Déanfaidh painéal moltóireachta | Selection Process

Déanfaidh painéal moltóireachta neamhspleách measúnú ar na hiarratais. Beidh na moltóirí ag iarraidh na sparánachtaí a bhronnadh ar réimse iarratasóirí ó chúlraí éagsúla a léiríonn go soiléir an tairbhe a bhainfeadh siad as an scéim.

Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel made up of IWC team members and independent professional writer(s) for eligibility, expression of intent, and the range and quality of writing samples provided.

Selection will be made respecting the priority groupings described in the Who is it For section above.

Chun Iarratas a Dhéanamh

Iarrtar ar gach iarrthóir cur isteach trínár bhfoirm iarratais Submittable ar líne faoi Dé Céadaoin 1 Iúil 2024.

Iarrtar ort na rudaí seo a leanas a chur faoinár mbráid in aon cháipéis amháin .PDF nó .doc/.dotx:

  • Litir chlúdaigh le achoimire ghonta ar an tionscnamh a ba mhaith leat díriú air le linn na cónaitheachta.
  • Curriculum Vitae ( uasmhéid dha leathanach A4) chun dáta, ina mbeidh liosta foilsechán le uimhreacha ISBN, seoladh poist, Eirchód/cód poist agus uimhir theagbhála. Abair go sonrach más as Tuaisceart Éireann duit nó má tá cónaí agat ann agus/nó má tá tú ag scríobh i nGaeilge.
  • Samplaí so-aitheanta de do shaothar ar na maillibh (suas le trí shampla faoi bhun 500 focal nó idir 4-6 dán).
  • Aon eolas ábhartha ar do thionscnamh molta, cosúil le sleachta scríofa, grianghraif, eolas taighde, srl.

Is ardán ar líne é Submittable a mbaineann Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann feidhm as le hiarratais a bhailiú agus a mheas. Le d’iarratas a chur isteach trí Submittable beidh ort cuntas Submittable a chruthú. Tá sé saor in aisce agus furasta le húsáid ach ma bhíonn aon fhadhb agat le Submittable, seol ríomhphost chuig Gheobhaidh tú deimhniú gur tháinig d’iarratas trí ríomhphost uathoibreach. Muna bhfaigheann tu sin, bí chugainn le do thoil le cinntiú gur tháinig d’iarratas isteach slán.

De bharr líon ard iarratasóirí a bheith againn ní féidir linn aiseolas aonair a thabhairt, muna raibh agallamh i gceist do scéimeanna áirithe. Tá an polasaí seo i bhfeidhm thar réimse ár nglaonna ar fad ar mhaithe le cothromaíocht agus trédhearcacht, agus de bharr nach bhfuil sé indéanta ag ár bhfoireann bheag freagraí aonair a thabhairt.

How to Apply

We ask that all applicants apply via Submittable form by  midnight on Wednesday  10 July, 2024.

We will ask you to submit the following into one .PDF or .doc /.docx document:

  • A cover letter  concisely outlining the project you would like to focus on during the residency.
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae (max. two A4 pages) including publications with ISBNs, postal address, Eircode/postcode and contact number. Please specify if you are from or living in the North and/or if you are writing in the Irish language.
  • Clearly labelled samples of recent work (up to three short samples of no more than 500 words or between 4-6 poems).
  • Any relevant information on your proposed project such as written excerpts, photos, research information, etc.

Applications that are not collated into one file will be deemed ineligible. 

Submittable is an online platform that the Irish Writers Centre uses to collect and review submissions and applications. To submit your application via Submittable, applicants will need to create a Submittable account. It’s free and easy to use but if you have any issues with Submittable, please email Applications will be acknowledged via an automatic email. If you don’t receive a confirmation of receipt within a day, please contact us to check if your application has gone through.

Due to the volume of applicants we are not in a position to give individual feedback to applicants, unless they have been interviewed, depending on the scheme. This policy extends across all of our calls in the interests of equity and transparency, and because, as a small team, we don’t have the capacity to give individual responses.

Past recipients of the residency include:

2023: Suad Al Darra, Sadhbh Devlin, Lisa Harding, Roe McDermott, David McGrath, Aedín Ní Thiarnaigh and Aimée Walsh

2022: Sasha de Buyl, Sonya Gildea, Niamh Scullion, Colette Ní Ghallchóir, Anne McDonald, Trish Bennett, and Maggie Breen.

2021: Michelle Gallen, A.M. Cousins, Catherine Prasifka, Réaltán Ní Leannáin, Lydia Searle, Hilary McCollum, and Michelle NicPháidín.

2020: Niamh Campbell, Úna-Minh Kavanagh, Lianne O’Hara, Damien Hasson, Justine Carbery, Oisín Kearney, and Carrie-Jade Williams

2019: Marie Breen-Smyth, Sheila Armstrong, June Caldwell, Charleen Hurtubise, Katherine Mezzacappa, Olivia Fitzsimons, and Emily Cooper.

2018: Brendan Mac Evilly, Dominique Cleary, Catherine Ann Cullen, Gerry Boland, Caelainn Hogan, Paula Cunningham and John Fox.

2017: Sue Leonard, Fiona O’Rourke, Breda Wall Ryan, Anna Heussaff, Moyra Donaldson, Aiden O’Reilly and Kelly Creighton.

2016: Louise C.Callaghan, Kate Kavanagh, Martin Malone, Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Nessa O’Mahony, Sydney Weinberg and Adam Wyeth.

2015:  Andrea Carter, Anthony Glavin, Catherine Dunne, Lia Mills, Louise Phillips, Maria McManus and Seán Hardie.

Other Opportunities