The Irish Writers Centre aims to provide relevant information and resources to writers across a number of areas including publishing, marketing, copyright, social welfare and more.
Our Aim
To provide relevant information and resources to writers across a number of areas including publishing, marketing, copyright, social welfare and more.
Competitions, Submissions and Publishing
1Competitions, submissions and other opportunities
2Getting Published
3Pacáiste tosaigh do Scríbhneoirí Gaeilge // A starter pack for Irish Language Writers
Practical Supports for Writers
1Bursaries & Funding
2Social Welfare Scheme for Professional Writers and Artists
3Masters in Creative Writing (Ireland)
Writing Groups and Peer Organisations
1Writing Groups
2WORDS Ireland
3Poetry Ireland
4Literature Ireland
6Children’s Books Ireland
Get Involved
We enjoy connecting with new writers and literature lovers, and there are various ways by which you can get involved with us here at the Irish Writers Centre.
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The Irish Writers Centre offer a wide range of courses, both online and in-person…. Vestibulum accumsan at lorem in convallis. Vivamus semper nulla ac auctor porta.
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