Writing Groups
The Irish Writers Centre has been used as a base for writing groups for many years, with a number of Ireland's best new talents emerging through this creative channel.
Writing Groups
Groups Listings
Genre: All
The Inkslingers is the open writing group at the Irish Writers Centre. All are welcome. The group meets every Saturday at 1.30–3.00pm (excluding bank holiday weekends) to workshop new work and participate in writing exercises. It is ideal for new members of the Centre who wish to find out more about other groups at the Centre and how writing groups work. They are an exceedingly friendly group and to find out more, take a look at the Inkslingers website. Attendance is €5 for non-members and free for current, paid-up members of the Irish Writers Centre. Please note that with the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, the Inkslingers are currently meeting in hybrid Zoom online and in person sessions. Attendance by Zoom is free. For further information, check them out at their website and use contact button to get in touch.
For more information:
hbrowne4@gmail.comGenre: All
Bealtaine Writers’ Group
Bealtaine originated in a series of workshops offered by the Irish Writers Centre and Age and Opportunity as part of the Bealtaine Festival celebrating creativity in older people in May 1999. Members of the group were so enthusiastic that they continued meeting monthly, losing and gaining members on the way. Now, twenty years later, they still meet monthly to write, read, and workshop poems. Bealtaine is a democratic group where all share in facilitating new work and leading workshops. Bealtaine is currently not open to new members. Contact Peter Clarke at email below.
For more information:
peter.clarkeconsulting@gmail.comGenre: All
New Irish Communities Writing Sessions
The New Irish Communities group was established in 2015 by the Irish Writers Centre and is funded by Dublin City Council. The mission of the group is to create access for non-native English speakers to write creatively in English. These sessions bridge the gap between writing classes and writing groups as writers meet with experienced facilitators on Saturdays from 11.00am – 1.00pm. The workshops are facilitated by writers Mark Granier and Jean O’Brien and run for a number of weeks during spring, summer and autumn (dates vary). Whether you’re interested in fiction, prose or memoir, the group will help you to tell your story and express yourself well in English. Students should have a good level of English, be comfortable reading magazines and newspapers, and conversing in English. Cost: €5 per session. Buy online or pay on the day.
For more information:
info@irishwriterscentre.ieGenre: All
New Irish Community Extension (nIce)
When the New Irish Communities (see above) are not in session, the nIce Writing Group generally meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 11:00am -1:00pm in the Irish Writers Centre, or currently online. This extension of New Irish Communities is a group of like-minded non-native English writers, there for mutual support, to have discussions on writing and give feedback on each other’s progress in English. All authors of any genre are welcome to embrace the challenge of writing in a second language together!
Email them for more information at nicebunchofwriters@gmail.com or even better, drop in to one of their online meetings. They are looking forward to meeting you.
For more information:
nicebunchofwriters@gmail.comNovel Workshop
We are a new group of novel writers with varying levels of experience and genres who are interested in serious critiques and mutual support. At present, we meet once a week via Zoom, Wednesdays from 2-4pm. Members submit texts to deadline and read the submissions before the meetings to give feedback. Our group is currently closed.
For more information:
N/AGenre: All
Sapphire Writers’ Group
We are experienced writers who meet fortnightly on Mondays from 12-2 p.m. to workshop finished short stories and drafts of novels. If you are interested in joining us, contact sapphire.writers20@gmail.com
For more information:
sapphire.writers20@gmail.comGenre: YA Fiction
Writing Children’s Literature and Young Adult Fiction
Do you have ideas for a children’s book or a novel for teenagers? This group meets once a month to read each other’s work in progress, discuss new ideas and be inspired. If you are looking for honest and constructive feedback on your work, or just want to meet people who love children’s books as well, get in touch to find out when we meet next. Contact Simone at email below.
For more information:
schuemmelfeder@gmx.deGenre: All
WEB Women Writers’ Group
In 1987, Arlen House, the feminist publishing house, invited a group of twelve women writers to participate in a series of workshops. The initiative was designed to encourage and help Irish women to become serious writers, at a time when it was perceived that women were under-represented in the Irish literary canon. When the Arlen House project finished, eleven of the participants decided to continue meeting to peer review their own work. So the WEB Women Writers’ Group was born. Since 1992, the group has been happy to use the facilities of the Irish Writers’ Centre for its meetings, which are held once a month, on Saturday afternoons. Over the years, many of the WEB writers have established successful literary careers. Several have published books, had plays and film scripts produced, and many have won prestigious literary prizes. Membership of the WEB women writers’ group is by invitation only. At the moment, with eighteen members, the group is full.
Contact: N/A
Words on the Wind
A group of poets of all ages who meet every second Friday from 11am to 1pm.
For more information:
scana6@gmail.comGenre: Poetry
Circle of Poets
A group of seven experienced poets who meet every second Wednesday from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Note: They are currently not open for new membership.
Contact: N/A
Genre: All
Scríbhneoirí na Gaeilge
Pléann an grúpa seo prós agus filíocht araon. Cruinníonn Scríbhneoiri na Gaeilge le chéile uair gach sé seachtaine – dhá mhí in Áras Scríbhneoirí na hÉireann agus/nó ar líne. Gach eolas ó realtan@hotmail.com.
For more information:
realtan@hotmail.comUrban fantasy, historical fiction & crime
Genre Writers Group
We are a group of novel writers with varying levels of experience and genres who are interested in serious critiques and mutual support. We either meet in person (IWC) or via Zoom, every Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Members submit texts to deadline and read the submissions before the meetings to give feedback. New members welcome.
For more information:
ulrike.ascher@gmail.comGenre: All
Constellation Writing Group
We are a young adult (18-23) writing group that meet once a month to bounce ideas off one another and gain advice from various different writing styles. All genres welcome! Come along for the written word, stay for the people. At present we are not recruiting new members but do email Orla on info@irishwriterscentre.ie if you have any questions about future vacancies.
For more information:
info@irishwriterscentre.ieGENRE: ALL
Creative Non-Fiction Group
Our members are from Belfast, Westport, Kinsale, Wexford and Dublin. Most of us are actively writing, One recently completed a masters in Creative Writing, some have been published, others enter competitions and are pitching to agents. The group started when we joined a creative non-fiction course (from IWC) given by Orla Tinsley. We are currently closed.
For more information:
N/AGenre: All
Writers Anonymous
We are a lovely group of between five to seven people who met on a memoir writing course at the IWC in February 2023 and who wish to carry on writing together as a team to support one another and critique each other’s work as we move forward and grow our memoirs together, now that our course has ended. We are a closed group.
Genre: All
Not a Book Club
We are a group of fiction and non-fiction writers who met at a six month workshop and decided to keep meeting monthly. Our group is currently closed.
For more information:
N/AGenre: Poetry
Live Poets’ Society
This is a group for emerging poets seeking a safe space to experiment with their love of poetry. Its membership is open for now.
For more information:
tomasoruairc@gmail.comGenre: Playwriting
i Nua Playwrights
iNua are a bunch of playwrights from very different backgrounds. They are part of a new writers group that were brought together by The Abbey Theatre (as part of their Literary and New Work Department) to participate in the Writers Workshop with Inua Ellams in 2022. They were then selected for The Abbey New Writers Workshop 2023 – 2024. They are continuing to progress their work in this writers group. The group is a closed group at the moment.
For more information:
N/AGenre: Novel and Short Story
Anthology 8
We are a group of writers who met on an MA in Creative Writing and wanted to continue our writing practice which is focused, primarily, on the novel and short story. The group meet to workshop work in progress, once a month on Wednesday afternoons, alternating Zoom and in person meetings in the Irish Writers Centre. Our group is currently closed.
For more information:
n/aAll About Writing (AAW)
We are a well-established group meeting fortnightly to give each other feedback and support. We meet every other Wednesday from 7.30 to 9.30 pm in Dublin 12. We are open to prose, both fiction and non-fiction. Our format is discussion based which allows for depth of critique.
We are a small group, passionate about writing with the aim of being published. We occasionally welcome new, like-minded members. The group is suitable for emerging and experienced writers but is not suitable for beginners.
If interested, send a writing sample of up to a maximum of 10 pages to katie.moynagh@gmail.com or catherinedowling@yahoo.ie. Please include your contact details.
For more information:
katie.moynagh@gmail.com or catherinedowling@yahoo.ieARDGILLAN SCRIBBLERS
We are a small friendly group, established 20 years ago. We meet each Saturday morning in Ardgillan Castle ( Balbriggan /Skerries area etc ) from 10.30 to noon after which we have optional coffee. Our members are authors along with complete beginners and we cover all genres.
Format: we read our work and receive gentle constructive feedback. New members of all ages are most welcome. For more information we can be contacted at ardgillancwg@outlook.com
For more information:
ardgillancwg@outlook.comBallyfermot Writers Group
Ballyfermot Writers Group meets on the second Wednesday of every month, from 6.00pm, at Ballyfermot Library. Please email queries to Ballyfermot Library at ballyfermotlibrary@dublincity.ie
Ballymun Writers Group
Ballymun Library Writers’ Group meets every Wednesday 4.00pm – 6.00pm.
For more information:
ballymunlibrary@dublincity.ieBayside Writers Group
This writing group meets every Wednesday 11.15am – 1.00 pm (approx) at rear of Bayside Church to share and encourage creative writing and discuss each others work. New members are welcome. For more details call 086 8231911.
Bics’N’Brunch Women’s Writing Group
Bics’n’Brunch are a group of women writers that meet on the second Saturday of every month to participate in writing, followed by eating. They are based out of Kevin Street Library for the writing, and for the eating, they aim to try a different cafe/restaurant every month. Bic’n’Brunch aren’t currently taking on new members, but in the event that space becomes available, please email cathydaywrites@gmail.com to register your interest.
For more information:
cathydaywrites@gmail.comDalkey Writers Workshop
Dalkey Writers Workshop is a small group of experienced writers which meets in Dalkey every second Thursday from 7.30-9.30 p.m. The group was established in 2003. We workshop one another’s writing across a broad range of genres. From time to time we invite guest writers to give talks and workshops to the group and we also organise occasional public readings. We have published three anthologies to date with proceeds going to charity. For more information and to contact the group, see our website below or visit our facebook page here.
For more information:
English and Other Language Writing Classes with Fiona Bolger at Pearse Street Library.
They courses are open to everyone and all languages and all levels. Thursdays 10am to 12noon. Free to take part.
Pearse Street Library is at 144, Pearse Street,. D02 HE37.
For more information:
fionabolgerpoetry@gmail.comDun Laoghaire Writers’ Group
This is a small group of experienced writers whose focus is on the novel and is currently closed to new members.
Eblana Writers
Eblana Writers is a collective of novelists, playwrights and short fiction writers based in Dublin. Eblana Writers meet at 7pm on the first Thursday of the month from February-July and September-December at the Lantern Intercultural Centre, 17 Synge Street Dublin 8.
For more information:
lanterncentre.orgThe Flying Bookclub
Designed to bring book lovers together, The Flying Book Club offers a range of programmes exploring Irish writing. Come and join one of our informal and engaging groups (mid-week or weekend) for three hours of discussions, readings, tours and special guest appearances. Our timetable allows plenty of time to explore the city and to visit our wonderful libraries and bookshops. The Flying Book Club is all about books – sharing our experiences of books, revisiting old favourites, and discovering new fields of interest.
For more information:
www.flyingbookclub.ie editor@flyingbookclub.ieIlac Dublin City Library Group / Discovery Writing Group
Discover yourself and your characters through writing.
Kevin Street Creative Writing Group
This writing group meets every Thursday from 2.30pm to 4pm in Kevin Street Library. Times may vary, so call in advance if you are interested in participating. For more details call 086 609 6579.
Note: Kevin Street Creative Writing Group is meeting at Greenside House, Cuffe Street while Kevin Street Library is closed for refurbishment.
For more information:
www.dublincity.ieMalahide Library Creative Writing Group
Informal creative writing group meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.45pm-7.50pm at Malahide Library. Tel. 01 870 4430 or contact the library for further details.
Pearse Street Creative Writing Group
Pearse Street Creative Writing Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month, 6pm to 7.45pm at Pearse Street Library.Tel. 01 674 4888 or contact Pearse Street Library for further details.
The Phoenix Writers Group
Meets at various locations in the Dublin 15 area, including Blanchardstown Library.
Publishes members’ work in the Phoenix Ink series.
For more information:
phoenixinfingal@gmail.comRathmines Writers’ Workshop
Participants read from their own work, either a poem, short story or extract from a novel or play and then receive feedback from the group. The emphasis in the workshop is on constructive feedback. Participants are welcome to attend without reading themselves but you’ll have much more fun if you do read. A fee of €5 per person (€3 concessions) is charged to cover costs. The fee for the prose meetings is €7 (€5). The group meets from 7.30pm to 10pm at Christ Church in the centre of Rathgar Village.
For more information:
marybguckian@yahoo.co.ukAirfield Writers
We are a group of experienced writers who meet at Airfield House, Dundrum, each Friday morning between 10 am and 12.15 noon. The sessions are run as workshops and cover fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The group is co-operatively run, and has no overall leader or facilitator, so we all have to be prepared to pull our weight. Members are expected to attend regularly and to present their writing for comment and criticism. Work is read aloud at sessions and considered views are given on the writing, suggestions for publication etc. From time to time established writers are invited to chair a session. This is not a class and would not be suitable for beginners.
A number of vacancies have arisen and the group will be reviewing applications to join. If you are already writing and would like to be considered for membership, please submit a sample of your work and a short writers bio before 31 December 2022 to: airfieldwriters@gmail.com
Second Monday’s Writing Group
As its name suggests, this group meets on the second Monday of each month from 7.00pm to 9.00-9.30pm at the Teachers’ Club on Parnell Square. The group is well established and diverse in age, interests and background. It originated around the time of the first Novel Fair to assist entrants in trialing their writing and ideas, as well as offering mutual support. Most members therefore are aspiring novelists, but the range of genre is wide and activity extends from flash fiction and short stories to novels. The group operates on the assumption that members will try to attend at least three out of four meetings. Contributions of up to 1500 words, from works in progress, are circulated by email several days in advance. Feed back at the meetings is verbal though many choose to scribble constructive comments on each submission and return them to their authors.
Our ideal membership is in the range of ten to a dozen and assumes 75% attendance at each meeting. We are not open to new members at present.
For more information:
second.mondays@gmail.comSpectrum Dublin Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers group
We’re a group of writers of science fiction, fantasy and related genres who meet once a month in a chosen Dublin pub to critique each other’s work and share tips and insights. Anyone who wants to give and receive honest, constructive feedback is welcome, and we welcome writers of all levels of experience. Come and join us to give your writing skills a boost!
For more information:
www.meetup.comWrite Club
Write Club meets in various locations of Dublin city centre on the last Wednesday of every month. There are limited places and a small fee to cover room rental (approx €3). To join, please send two pages of your best work to the email below.
For more information:
brybutler@gmail.comSomeday Duly
Seeking to start an in-person writing group based in the Winding Stair bookshop during the week. Looking for aspiring writers who are serious about wanting to develop their work and/or break into the Irish literary scene (no easy task, as we all know!). If interested, please send a sample of your work and a note about yourself to somedaywriting8@gmail.com
For more information:
somedaywriting8@gmail.comNon-fiction Writers Club – Dublin (NFWCD)
The NFWCD is in the process of recruiting members who are interested in joining a writers’ club that focuses exclusively on non-fiction writing. The aim of the club is to support aspiring writers, who seek to write and publish non-fiction books.
The format of club support will involve the following:
• Opportunities to attend regular meetings, either online or in-person.
• Feedback on work-in-progress by members.
• Discussions concerning publication options.
• Accountability for word count commitments made.
The NFWCD will be an entirely volunteer based group.
If you are interested in joining, please email me at michaelcollinsacma@gmail.com and provide the following information
• What non-fiction subject do you write about?
• What specialist knowledge, skill or education do you have to lend credibility to your subject matter?
• Are you currently writing a non-fiction book?
• If you are currently writing a non-fiction book, what word count have you reached, and what is your target?
• What is your target date for the completion of your non-fiction book?
• Have you ever had any of your work published previously?
Look forward to hearing from you!
For more information:
michaelcollinsacma@gmail.comCo. Wicklow
New Creative Writing Group Bray October 2023
• Enthusiastic writers who have already published
• Committed to developing work, within timelines, for books, anthologies, competitions, and performance.
• Saturday afternoons for two hours.
• Structured setup- writing and critiquing; guest speakers; entry to competitions; planning publications- while still having fun!
• Maximum of 8-10 writers with commitment to contribute and aid in the facilitation of group.
• Review at the end of 6 months- with hope that group can flourish, and work is developed, and become an established group.
• Start date October 14th 2023
Please write a short email if interested to
• detail your writing experience and publications,
• and how you could contribute to making this new group a success.
Closing Date September 25th
For more information:
ritwall@yahoo.co.ukCo. Down
Ards Writers
Ards Writers currently meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (except July and August) from 7.30 – 10.00pm at the Web Theatre, North Street, Newtownards. The meetings consist mainly of readings of members’ work followed by discussion and criticism, usually lively but always constructive and fair. All types of writing – poetry, short stories, novels, plays, non-fiction are covered. Occasional guest speakers.
For more information:
mail@ardswriters.comCo. Down
Ballyhackamore Writers
Ballyhackamore Writers meet on a Monday once a month at the Ballyhackamore Library from 6.45pm to 7.45pm. Contact the library for further details.
For more information:
www.librariesni.org.ukCo. Laois
Ballylinan Creative Writers
Ballylinan Writers is a Crime Writers Group that meet every second Wednesday evening from 6.00pm to 8.00pm in Ballylinan Library. Tel. 0598625007 or contact the library for further details. This group will be running until the end of April 2017.
Co. Antrim
Ballymoney Creative Writers
Ballymoney Creative Writers meet on Mondays and Tuesdays during term time in Ballymoney Town Hall. Contact Anne McCusker for further details via email below.
For more information:
amccusker2000@yahoo.co.ukCo. Tyrone
Burnavon Writers
Burnavon Writers meet on Thursday evenings from 7pm until 9pm. They welcome new members. Contact Mary Crooks for further details.
For more information:
Mary.Crooks@cookstown.gov.ukCo. Galway
Clifden Writers’ Group
Our group is open to members interested in writing in any genre, at any level. We meet fortnightly at 7.30 pm on Mondays. We set a theme but it is always optional, leaving writers free to work on their own projects. The work is read out and feedback given. We often complete some writing exercise at the meeting. Time is left for chat and coffee or the occasional glass of wine. Members may pre-arrange for a more extensive analysis if they circulate the work beforehand. We broadcast regularly on Connemara Community Radio and have a group reading in Clifden Arts Festival. Please contact us if interested.
For more information:
clifdenwritersgroup@gmail.comCo. Fermanagh
Fermanagh Writers
Fermanagh Writers meet weekly at Blakes of the Hollow on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm. Those interested in joining us are most welcome to come along and see what we’re all about. Meetings consist of readings and positive feedback sessions in a comfortable environment. Whether a seasoned writer looking a like minded community, or just taking your first tentative steps into the world of writing, Fermanagh writers offers you a warm welcome.
For more information:
blakesofthehollow.com contact@fermanaghwriters.comCo. Cork
Great Island Writers Group
This group meets every Saturday at 10:30am in Cobh library. Contact Thelma Mills for further details: Tel: 021 4816611.
Co. Down
Holywood Writers
Holywood writers meet every other Friday between 10.15am and 12.15pm. The group is open to new members and details are available in the Holywood library.
Co. Cork
Hungry Hill Writers
Hungry Hill Writers is for those interested in meeting others on Beara who write, or want to write. There are active writers’ groups, such as the regular open poetry sessions on the last Friday of the month in Castletownbere.
For more information:
www.hungryhillwriting.comCo. Meath
Kells Writers Group
We meet every Thursday at 6:30pm in the Kells, County Meath public library on Maudlin Street. Members include published authors as well as writers who are just starting out. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their experience or genre. For further information, please call Geri at 085 145 6941.
Lexicon Writing Group
The group meets every Wednesday morning at 11am in The Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast. Our routine is that two members submit around 3000 words every Sunday afternoon by email and the group critiques the submissions at the Wednesday meetings. The aim of the group is to encourage good writing and suggest improvements where necessary to the submissions. We have writers working in a wide variety of genres that include fantasy, horror, chick-lit, crime, etc. New members are always welcome providing they put pen to paper and submit.
For more information:
www.facebook.comCo. Mayo
West Mayo Writers
The West Mayo Writers gather on one Saturday each month in Westport’s Town Hall Theatre. During meetings, we review each other’s work in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and more. All writers (emerging or established) are welcome.
For more information:
westmayowriters@gmail.comCo. Cork
Midleton Writers Group
This group meets in Courtyard Craft and Exhibition Centre in Cork on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm. Contact Michael O’Connor for further details: Tel: 087 6743137.
Co. Laois
Mountrath Writers Group
Mountrath Writers group meet the first Wednesday of each month from 11.00am to 12.30pm at Mountrath library. Tel. 057 8756378 or contact the library for further details. All genres of writing are welcome.
Co. Down
Muse Writers Group
Muse Writers Group is an events-based informal group offering opportunities to attend writing events in Northern Ireland. It meets in Bangor, Co. Down. Contact Thelma Sheil for further details: Tel: 028 9146 3674.
Co. Meath
Navan Creative Writing Group
A Navan Writers’ group is holding its first meeting since the pandemic on Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 7-9pm at Café Plaza, Kennedy Road, Navan (adjoining The Stonehouse pub – drinks can be brought in from the bar) and is currently seeking members for fortnightly meetings.
The free and informal meetings will allow writers to share their works-in-progress (short stories, poetry, novel chapters, scenes from plays, non-fiction etc). All genres and levels of experience are welcome. Bringing copies of work would be advantageous in allowing detailed, constructive feedback, but is not mandatory. If interested, please contact John Davies: 089 445 1169. Email: davies.jp@talk21.com. Twitter: @Bulls_Arse
For more information:
davies.jp@talk21.comCo Meath
Navan Creative Writers
Navan Creative writers group takes place on Wednesdays at 11.30am in Navan Library. Te: 046 9021134 or contact the library for further details. New members welcome.
Co. Meath
Oldcastle Writers Group
Oldcastle Writers group meet every Tuesday from 7.00pm – 8.30pm in Oldcastle library. Tel. 049 8542084 or contact the library for further details.
The Poets’ Place
The group meets on an ad hoc basis and is always open to new members.
For more information:
www.capartscentre.com chelley@comartspartner.orgBelfast
Shalom Writers
Membership to this group is restricted to a maximum of 14. Applicants for membership are asked to send examples of their writing to the secretary Denis O’Sullivan at the library. The group meets on Thursday mornings from 10am-12 noon.
For more information:
belfast.central@librariesni.org.ukCo. Mayo
SixPens Writing Group & Weekend Writing Retreats, Westport
Have a book in you? Story, Poem, Play or Song? SixPens runs weekends of writing at the beautiful Old Rectory Retreat in Westport (October, January, April & June). Both residential and non-residential available. Nourish body and mind with productive hours spent in good company: writing, sharing, laughing & eating delicious homemade food! Facilitated by Fin Keegan & Fiona Keane (both MFAs, Columbia University). Contact hq@sixpens.com.
Also in Westport: SixPens weekly writing groups (youth & adult) Adult class Friday mornings. Children & Teens Saturdays. For more information contact Fiona Keane 087 763 4339 or hq@sixpens.com.
Co. Donegal
Tir Chonaill Writers
Tir Chonaill Writers is based in south-west Donegal and currently meets fortnightly in Donegal Town. The group members read extracts from material they are working on and offer them for collective critique.
For more information:
mariehannigan@gmail.comCo. Cork
Virgin Slate
Virgin Slate is a small group of amateur writers based in Cork. They usually meet once a fortnight. There are no membership fees. Every two weeks the group meets (in a city centre pub) to discuss the various submissions and decides upon a theme for the following fortnight. They publish work in an ezine on Facebook. Each issue begins with a theme (a word or a phrase). Writers then have two weeks to submit a piece of writing on that theme. The writing can use any form and take the theme in any direction the author wishes. New members are welcome to either join us in the pub or to submit entries by email or post. Email us at: virginslate@gmail.com for more information on venue 0r follow on Facebook. View a list of back issues here.
For more information:
www.facebook.com virginslate@gmail.comCo. Waterford
Waterford Writers
Waterford Writers are based in Waterford City, meeting every 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, upstairs in Phil Grimes pub at 8.00 pm. We welcome writers of all genres and experience who wish to develop their writing skills and assist others in a positive, friendly and productive atmosphere. Please email for further information or follow us on Facebook below or Twitter @WaterfordWriters.
For more information:
www.facebook.com waterfordwriters@gmail.comCo. Kildare
Chapter M Writers (Maynooth)
Writer’s self-help group for Maynooth, Celbridge, Kilcock area. Meeting in Maynooth library on a monthly basis, as well as online.
- Critique sessions: Members share their work and receive constructive feedback from peers to improve their writing.
- Writing exercises and prompts: Group activities to stimulate creativity and practice specific writing skills or techniques.
- Workshops and guest speakers: Educational sessions on various aspects of writing, publishing, and the literary world.
- Reading events: Opportunities for members to present their work to an audience.
- Collaboration projects: Group writing initiatives, such as anthologies or themed collections.
- Networking and social support: Regular meetings and events that allow writers to connect, share experiences, and provide emotional support in their writing journeys.
For more information:
www.facebook.com phillips.roy@gmail.comCo. Limerick
V94 Write Offs – Creative Writing Group
We are a self-directed writing group based in Limerick City, meeting once or twice a month. We’re looking for new members who enjoy the fun side of creative writing and engaging discussions about books, TV shows, and films.
The group is very encouraging, and will offer their advice to help others creative writing in a very positive and constructive fashion.
All are welcome, whether you are a first-time writer or a more experienced one, we’d be delighted to meet you!
For enquiries please email Martin and Sinéad at: v94writeoffs@gmail.com
For more information:
v94writeoffs@gmail.comThe Irish Writers Centre is happy to promote the work of other groups meeting around the country. If you are interested in joining one of the groups listed here, please email the address provided, or if no contact is provided, email info@irishwriterscentre.ie