13 March, 2024
We are seeking a writer to join the Irish Writers Centre Board of Directors
Would you like to contribute to the future of Literature in Ireland? Join the Irish Writers Centre Board of Directors!
Position: Board member
Role type: Voluntary (unpaid)
Time commitment: The board meets 6-7 times annually
Closing date for applications: 12 noon, Wednesday 10 April, 2024
About the Irish Writers Centre
As the leading support and development organisation for writers since 1991, the Irish Writers Centre (IWC) carries out its work, online and in-person, on an all island basis. We work with writers of all types and talents, and actively encourage writers from all communities to engage in creative writing. We provide many ways and means for them to develop their skill, advance their ambitions and join a vibrant and diverse community of people who share their passion and purpose.
As mentioned in our 2022-2026 strategy, community is at its heart and underlines our ambition to foster connections between writers across this island.
Who are we seeking?
The IWC is seeking to add a new member to its Board of Directors to build on its current skill-set of board expertise. We are actively looking for writers* who are engaged in the literary community on the island of Ireland. We encourage writers at any stage and any genre/form to apply for this role.
We particularly welcome applications from candidates who come from backgrounds and communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the literature sector.
*Writers will need to consider their involvement carefully as Board members cannot be employed by the IWC in any capacity for the duration of their term.
The Board of Directors is responsible for:
- Setting strategies and ensuring their implementation is delegated effectively to the executive
- Overseeing and maintaining the financial health of the organisation
- Ensuring the highest standards of governance and transparency
- The appointment of senior executives to the organisation
Directors of the board are both company directors and charity trustees and should understand the legal duties of the role, as explained by the Charities Regulator and the Arts Council’s Practical Guide for Board Members of Arts Organisations. Directors are responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and for ensuring the highest standards of governance are upheld, in accordance with the Charities Governance Code.
Time commitment
Board members are elected for a maximum of two three year terms. The IWC is a registered charity and this is a voluntary and unpaid position. The board meets 6-7 times annually, including the annual general meeting. The meetings happen on a weekday between 6-30pm-8.30pm at the Irish Writers Centre. Board members are to attend IWC events where possible. We welcome applications from people with previous board or trustee experience but this is not essential.
Current Board Composition
Further information on our current board, governance and other policies can be found here.
How to Apply
- A brief statement/cover letter outlining how your background and experience meets the requirements of the organisation as detailed above, as well as a summary of your relevant experience, and how you can contribute to Irish Writers Centre’s mission.
- Attach your CV or biography (a statement outlining your arts practice or roles, responsibilities and achievements). If relevant, please include details of any service as a board Director, Trustee or any other voluntary/community work, but please note that no previous experience as a board Director or Trustee is required.
Please compile all the specified documents into a single attachment as a WORD Doc or a PDF. Applications should be submitted by 12 noon, Wednesday 10 April, 2024 by email to management@irishwriterscentre.ie
Board appointments will be skills and experience based, and should the open call process not yield candidates with the required skills and experience, the company reserves the right to make direct appointments of appropriately qualified individuals.