Introducing our very first IWC Members’ Nominee to the Board of Directors, Harry Browne!

Harry Browne is a long-time member and current facilitator of the Inkslingers Writing Group in the Centre. He has varied work experience as a Chef, Window Maker, Fenestration Designer and Multifunction Project Team Leader. 

Harry’s Pitch:

“I have extensive management experience in the construction industry with team work as a priority. I am very comfortable with project management and I have managed several projects with The Inkslingers Writers Group in the IWC.”

If you would like to vote for Harry, the email voting period opens on Wed March 20th and closes Mon March 25th at 5pm. All subscribed members are eligible to vote at this time if they cannot come to the election. The election itself will take place on Tues 26 March at 6pm in the IWC, 19 Parnell Square, D1

Alternatively, you can choose to run for Board member yourself. More information here.