24 February, 2021
Irish Writers Centre Open Call for Expressions of Interest in Board of Directors Membership
Irish Writers Centre Open Call for Expressions of Interest in Board of Directors Membership
Deadline Extended until Friday 19th March at 1pm
The Irish Writers Centre (IWC) is seeking to add new members to its Board of Directors and to build on its current skill-set of board expertise as it enters into a new and exciting phase of strategic planning which will lead the organisation from 2022- 2026. The current strategy 2017-2021 can be found here.
We are looking for those with a passion for the Arts and an interest in the literary landscape in Ireland.
This Call seeks individuals with skills and experience in one or more of the following areas, having regard also to gender, diversity, and age balance:
- Writers or those actively engaged in the areas of literature or allied fields*
- Business leadership with experience of Strategic Planning
- Board Governance
- Human Resources Management
- Philanthropy and fundraising
Functions of the Board & Duties of Directors
The Irish Writers Centre is governed by a voluntary board of Directors. Our Board members receive no payments and serve a maximum of two three-year terms. The Board is responsible for the strategic direction and control of the company. It is responsible for the system of internal financial control and oversight responsibility for the activities of the organisation. The Board delegates to the management and sub-committees the responsibility for the implementation of these policies. Members of the Board will be expected to play key roles in relation to the direction, leadership and governance of the organisation.
The Board of Directors is responsible for:
- the employment of senior executives to the company;
- establishing and ensuring the implementation of policy objectives based upon current and future agreed strategies for the organisation;
- overseeing and maintaining the financial health of the organisation;
- ensuring the highest standards of governance and transparency;
- enabling and delegating to sub-committees/working groups prudent decision-making powers for efficiency in relation to certain projects to ensure that the Company has access to the broadest range of specialist expertise and advice in all aspects of its work (see below);
Current Board Composition
Here is a link to our website to the IWC Board page.
Person Specification
Board appointments will be skills & experience based, and should the open call process not yield candidates with the required skills and experience, the company reserves the right to make direct appointments of appropriately qualified individuals.
We are conscious that the make-up of our Board, as the strategic decision maker, should represent our value of diversity. We actively seek a diverse applicant pool for these positions and encourage candidates of all backgrounds and from all over Ireland to apply.
*N.B: Please read the full details and applications guidelines here
How to Apply:
*N.B: Please read the full details and applications guidelines here
Applications are to be sent by email to director@writerscentre.ie no later than Friday 19 March 2021. Enquiries may be made to the same email address.
*Writers will need to consider their involvement carefully if they have previously been, or hope to be employed by the IWC in any capacity. All board members, writers inclusive, are voluntary and cannot be paid a fee for the duration of their term as Board director.
February 2021