Residencies, Retreats & Opportunities
IWC Mentor/Member Duo Programme 2022
The Irish Writers Centre is delighted to announce the second round of its One-to-One Mentoring and Membership Combined Programme with writers from diverse backgrounds in mind. This important support is made possible with kind financial assistance from Dublin City Council.
In 2022, the Irish Writers Centre launched a new 5 year strategy. For over 30 years the IWC has acknowledged and uplifted those with the courage and compulsion to write by providing opportunities for them to develop their skill, advance their ambitions and join a vibrant and diverse community of people who share their passion and purpose.
Who is it for?
At the Irish Writers Centre, we seek to enhance opportunities for people across all communities to explore and participate in creative writing.
This scheme is for all writers resident within the administrative area of Dublin City Council who need the sustenance of another more experienced writer to help them to start, continue or finish a piece of writing. This programme is especially geared towards writers, new and existing, who are from backgrounds currently underrepresented in Irish literature. We particularly encourage applications from Black, POC (person of colour), Traveller, Roma, LGBT+, disabled and working class writers, and those who consider themselves to be within the target groups described in the EDI statement on our website.
We will play our part in addressing some of the structural barriers to access that exist within literature in Ireland as part of an external cross-sector mobilisation umbrella group with Words Ireland. We commit to continuing our work with Words Ireland to research the current participation of minority groups in writing and the literature sector, to develop an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy and to adopt a sector-wide EDI ‘Charter.’
While this programme is aimed at writers from backgrounds typically underrepresented in Irish literature, we are open to other writers making a credible case for inclusion.
What will I receive?
Ten successful applicants will be offered one year of Irish Writers Centre membership, and one 90 minute mentoring session through our One-to-One Mentoring Programme. The links above will tell you how membership and one-to-one mentoring work.
So, maybe you’ve started writing a novel or a poetry collection, but struggle with the motivation to finish your work, or need some feedback on a short story that you’re struggling to put the right shape on? Our One-to-One Mentoring Programme connects you with a professional writer who will provide feedback on a sample of your work, along with guidance and support to help you develop your writing.
How to apply:
We ask that all applicants apply through our online application form. The form is really easy to use and if you have never applied to us before, we’d encourage you to do so now. If you have any difficulties accessing this link or any questions about the programme please contact us on info@writercentre.ie.
Applications will be assessed by an independent judging panel, who will seek to award a diverse range of applicants who have clearly demonstrated how they would benefit from participation on this programme.
Friday 16 March 2022 at 5pm. (We cannot accept late applications.)