13 September, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Irish Writers Centre re-launches 10-week programme for new Irish communities
Irish Writers Centre re-launches 10-week programme for new Irish communities
The Irish Writers Centre (IWC) is reimagining its decade-old New Irish Communities programme to better reflect our changed society. Funded by Dublin City Council, the programme was established in 2015 with the mission of giving access to non-native English speakers to write creatively in English.
About the new programme: BEYOND New Irish Communities
From Saturday 23rd September 2023, the Irish Writers Centre opens its doors for writers to meet and share ideas with experienced poets and novelists. Taking place over ten weeks, every Saturday morning a different facilitator will lead an exciting writing group with the aim of creating a long-standing and supportive creative community. This year’s facilitators are Mark Granier, Nithy Kasa, Fióna Bolger, Jean O’Brien, Sree Sen, Cauvery Madhaven, Melatu Uche Okorie and Suad Aldarra.
‘…what I most cherish in the group is the sense of community, and the shared challenge of writing in another language… So, for those who come from minority groups like me, be sure that the New Irish Communities is the right place for you to become a better writer and to find peers.’ – Former New Irish Communities writer, Rafael Mendes
BEYOND New Irish Communities looks to create a useful space for group discussion, creative feedback, and time to write. The programme may be of interest to you if you are living on the island of Ireland and English or Irish is not your first language, you are Irish from a diverse background, you are living in direct provision or if you think you might be an ideal participant.
Meet the BEYOND New Irish Communities facilitators: Mark Granier, Nithy Kasa, Fióna Bolger, Jean O’Brien, Sree Sen, Cauvery Madhaven, Melatu Uche Okorie and Suad Aldarra
The programme will begin on Saturday 23 September from 11am-1pm with the final session taking place on Saturday 2 December 2023. Each session functions as a stand-alone workshop, so it is not necessary to have attended any previous sessions to drop in at any point.
Eight of the sessions will take place in person at the Irish Writers Centre at 19 Parnell Square North, DO1 E102 while two will be online to facilitate a wider audience. The fee to attend the sessions is €5 per session, €3 for IWC members, and free for unwaged. Special guests will be a feature of the online sessions.
You can sign up for each BEYOND New Irish Communities 2023 session on the Irish Writers Centre’s website: https://irishwriterscentre.ie/beyond-new-irish-communities/
About the Irish Writers Centre:
As the leading support and development organisation for writers since 1991, the Irish Writers Centre carries out its work, online and in person, on an all island basis. The Centre works with writers of all types and talents, and actively encourages writers from all communities to engage in creative writing. It provides many ways and means for them to develop their skill, advance their ambitions and join a vibrant and diverse community of people who share their passion and purpose. The IWC is also a membership organisation, always seeking new opportunities for members to grow as writers and to connect with each other through IWC programmes and supports.
The Irish Writers Centre is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Contact: Jo Morton, Irish Writers Centre Communications and Marketing Officer
Email: communications@irishwriterscentre.ie
Call: (+353) 1 872 1302